Hi. This is going to sound quite lame, but I sometimes have this feeling in school that I'm just not intelligent. In my old school (year 7-11), which was just an ordinary school, I felt like I was at least one of those people in the top 25% of the year and my GCSEs were mainly A*-Bs, but this is not really anything to go by as GCSEs don't really test your intelligence, just how much you can cram in during study week
I guess the main problem is that in class, I feel like I'm not doing as well as others, and when teachers put you on the spot, it's hard to answer and I just get frustrated because they do it to everyone, but for people with more confidence they can just blag their way through those "spot questions".
Somehow my confidence is really low when it comes to me thinking that I will get a decent result and I did miss quite a lot of lessons so that probably doesn't help... I'm going to force myself to go to school even if I'm ill, so I guess that's an improvement...
Sorry for ranting, I just feel like in this school, where even the 'popular' people are really smart, it just kind of makes me feel like... nothing, because I'm not really friendly and I'm not really clever either... so I sort of fade into the background, yeah it's weird.
Back to not feeling so intelligent. I once learnt that people who were classified to be a little unintelligent usually ended up doing badly in their school work, and I'm scared that that's going to happen to me, because I feel that's the impression people get of me, and that's how they're starting to treat me. For example, I know this is looking too far into what someone's saying, but we had these checks on our progress by teachers, and a few of us were brought outside to be tested and checked to see how our progress is going, and when we came back, we walked in one by one and someone makes a comment like 'she did ok', and when it came to me, 'she did rubbish' (in a jokey way), was basically what they said, and I know it's kinda a small thing to dwell on, but it's sort of implanted into everyone's minds that I'm sort of unintelligent or something, even though I don't think I am... I don't know why people think that, but they do have this subconscious hierarchy of intelligence in their minds which they rank everyone in and it affects they way they treat each other. I know I might sound paranoid, but this is a decent school with decently smart people, and some people came from really good schools, which means that they're already quite clever...
I don't know what to do. My confidence has always been low when it comes to studying and how I see myself intellectually. I was even pleased with my GCSE results, which is probably a lot lower than people on TSR, but nevertheless I had always thought I'd done much worse.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else feels like this or anything, advice welcome.
Thanks for listening.