hello all
i really need some advice as i have no idea what to do.im very grateful for any ideas you have, especially as i have exams tomorrow and cant concentrate.
anyway. i met this guy at uni. we started dating etc, and i did make it clear to him from the start that i do not believe in sex before marriage. he did put alot of pressure on me, everyday to get me to change my mind.i did not(fortunately). on christmas eve, he phoned me to say his sister found a text from me on his phone and got mad at him because he had not broken up with his ex, who was her best mate. apparantly she lost her virginity with him, they had known each other for a yr and only sort of split cos he was going uni.
he then said, if i could offer to have a 'complete relationship' with him he'd stay with me not her (ie one with sex) i declined, and so we broke up. he then said my decision was selfish, and was not fair to withold that from him
this was around xmas. now yesterday he has told me that he put pressure on me to sleep with him,knowing i'd say no and eventually break up with him because he had never had a fight with his long term gf. in fact they were always together happily, and he just had me on the side. he says all the pressure was to get me so upset i'd leave. i know this is untrue cos one evening i was cryng cos he wouldnt listen to me when i asked him to stop physically, and i tried to split from him but he took me out to dinner to make up.
apparantly as well, his long term gf has never had sex with him either, though they have done much more physically than i have (i just kissed him alot).
what do you think i should do?