The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Looking is cheating. :smile:
I reckon kissing is cheating. You don't usually kiss anybody else apart from your bf/gf at the time, that's why such a big deal is made over the "first kiss" of a new relationship.
Yep, kissing is definitely cheating.
Reply 3
Anything you wouldn't normally do with a friend.
Reply 4
hold hands??
Reply 5
need i say more than what has already been said above. :rolleyes:
Reply 6
If you have any doubts about something, it's probably best not to. The same applies if you wouldn't tell your partner about it.
Reply 7
Depends what kind of kiss it is...theres a difference between a "friendly" and a "passionate" kiss.
Reply 8
alot of you said you'd break up with your partner.

but what about the 'third party'? perhaps your partner hadnt said he/she was taken? how do you feel and what would you do to them?
Reply 9
I'd say cheating was doing anything with a third party that would harm the relationship between you and your partner. So it's relative to how they'd see it; some couples may not class a kiss as cheating, others may.
Look but don't touch, those are the rules me and my boyfriend go by :smile:
Reply 11
Look but don't touch, those are the rules me and my boyfriend go by :smile:

So you're not allowed to hug other people? :confused:
My relationship and idea of cheating works on a 'Look, but don't approach and don't even think about touching!' basis.
You can define many things as cheating even a simple hug but it all depends on the context of it and for example if its a kiss what kind of kiss a peck on the cheek or a full game of tonsel hockey!
Reply 14
I would not want my boyfriend kissing other people, even hugging would make me a bit jealous I think...
Reply 15
Kissing definately, well for me it would be. Not a kiss on the cheek or anything, i mean more passionate kissing!
Reply 16
Anything done behind my back or that I haven't consented to.
is it relative on how far you have gone with a partner eg if you had slept with them then its ok if they kiss someone else>? or is kissing cheating?

I'd consider kissing as cheating.
Reply 18
is it relative on how far you have gone with a partner eg if you had slept with them then its ok if they kiss someone else>? or is kissing cheating?

Depends on what sort of kiss it was,
If it was just a friendly kiss then its harmless, but if it was more than just a friendly peck then it is cheating.