This isn't the first time I've sent flowers to a girl. I did it once when things weren't going too great with this girl I was in love with (and I guess your mum doesn't count...).
I've been seeing this girl who recently told me I was taking things too seriously, that what we had was just a bit of fun. She even ended the whole thing by saying (by text) she was in love with someone else. She lives in a foreign country and even talking is a bit of a struggle sometimes as English isn't her first language. The whole thing has upset me, as things were going great the times I went to see her. She seemed like such a sweet girl and I guess the fact she's absolutely gorgeous made me a bit more infatuated. She said I took things too seriously but I never mentioned anything about going out with me and I was just enjoying my time with her, not really thinking too much but I certainly didn't hide the fact I really liked her.
I've thought about just forgetting about the whole thing but I find the whole thing hard to believe. I know there probably is someone else in the picture, that I guess she wasn't ready for someone to become attached to her but I really thought there was something there. I have this impression that maybe that if we actually talk (a bit difficult), we can at least explain things. It really seems like she just wanted to find a quick, easy way to stop me from becoming attached and used the excuse of being in love with someone. I don't think that calling her is going to work so I thought about sending her flowers.
First of all, how would you girls feel about receiving flowers from a guy you'd "been with" (I hope that's explicit enough) for not too long? Or how do you feel about receiving flowers in general? This girl is probably a bit older, bear that in mind.
Now imagine you're this girl, how would you feel about receiving flowers or maybe just a flower at work: flattered, touched, creeped out?