The Student Room Group


Hey guys,

Basically, to cut a long story short, me and my girlfriend (well ex) had been going out around 8 months, both at same uni in same halls. However, shes had a pretty shít time here, and wants some time and space to sort herself out, we tried a 'break' over christmas but wasn't really any good (we live 100 miles away and didn't see each other but still she feels no better). So, she's told me the only way she can pyschologically calm down is for us to break up... I was a bit baffled but says if she knew we were going out she'd automatically have me as a her top priority, but doesnt want that for a month or so, so she can relax. I really really want to help her, I've deleted her msn and told her only to contact me if she wants to. I just feel really upset anda bit depressed but know I shouldn't as I know she loves me and we will most likely be getting back together.... anyone suggest any ideas to make me feel better?


Reply 1
I've been in a similar situation to your girlfriend. I was stressed out with many aspects of my life and needed to sort myself out. My boyfriend took top priority in my life and I realised I needed to give other parts of my life that time of priority as well, at least for a while. It was very difficult to start with but we didn't have much contact for about 2 weeks. It really helped me out. Although I still loved my boyfriend (and still do as we're together) there were many things I needed to do for myself. It sounds like your girlfriend needs this as well.
Depending on the state of your relationship don't be too hasty to call her your ex. just tell her you can be there for her when she needs you but realise that she will need the space if she's made the decision to be apart from you.
Cheer up and don't worry. Hopefully things will come through and the time apart will help her. You could maybe even plan something nice for you both when everything does clear up, tell her she has something to look forward to if she wants it.
But try using the time as well, to focus on yourself.

Hope that's been a bit of help.
Reply 2
Thanks, yeah thats really helped me. Yeah, I've deleted her off Msn as usually i always HAVE to speak to her if I see her online, so now can just relax. But yeah, called her tonight and told her I wont call her untill shes better, but she can call/text whenever. Think I'll just send her a nice e-mail once a week to see how shes doing :smile:

Thanks again.