Hey guys,
Basically, to cut a long story short, me and my girlfriend (well ex) had been going out around 8 months, both at same uni in same halls. However, shes had a pretty shÃt time here, and wants some time and space to sort herself out, we tried a 'break' over christmas but wasn't really any good (we live 100 miles away and didn't see each other but still she feels no better). So, she's told me the only way she can pyschologically calm down is for us to break up... I was a bit baffled but says if she knew we were going out she'd automatically have me as a her top priority, but doesnt want that for a month or so, so she can relax. I really really want to help her, I've deleted her msn and told her only to contact me if she wants to. I just feel really upset anda bit depressed but know I shouldn't as I know she loves me and we will most likely be getting back together.... anyone suggest any ideas to make me feel better?