hey, i am so majorly in the same boat as u! i literally cannot be bothered to do anything work related! for example thismorening, i had an exam, at 9.30. i had done no revision, so planned on waking up at 7.oo to revise. i actually got up at 7 (was very proud of myself) and got my books. but the telly was calling my name and i ended up not even opening my books, and i watched celeb big brother (sad, i no, but nethins better than revision) followed by GMTV/LK today! ahh. its the same for essays, i do them literally the night/same say they r due in. i had an email asking if i needed ne extra help as in my mock i only got 35%-cus i didnt revise!! i ddnt even mark my other subjects mock. i dont bother iwth lectures, but i still love uni and dont wana drop out!! teehee o well i spose i better buckle down. tis my new years resolution for next semester. definatly.