The Student Room Group
I think I'm right in thinking that it doesn't- the concept of putting weight on when you quit smoking is because you would eat to make up for the lack of cigarettes. This is why many gain weight after quitting. I don't think cigarettes directly lead to weight loss, having said that it does speed u the heart rate, so I'm not sure.
Reply 2
Yes. But it also helps your major organs get riddled with cancer, your skin and nails to turn a delightful shade of yellow, your limbs to become gangrenous and need to be removed, your breath to smell and your clothes to reek. So, all in all, going jogging is probably a better solution for weight-loss.
Reply 3
well ive always heard of people that quit smoking then they tend to put weight on, so it seems that smoking must maintain a persons weight. however, this could simply be that the people now do not have a habit that they like and could move onto eating a lot more (they are replacing one bad habit with another), which would make them have weight gain. i do not think that smoking does help you lose weight, a healthy diet and exercise does. i think you would have to be crazy to start smoking just because you think it will help you lose weight, afterall, smoking contributes to diseases such as cancer etc.
Yes. But it also helps your major organs get riddled with cancer, your skin and nails to turn a delightful shade of yellow, your limbs to become gangrenous and need to be removed, your breath to smell and your clothes to reek. So, all in all, going jogging is probably a better solution for weight-loss.

Couldn't have put it better myself! :p:
Reply 5
Only in so much that it supresses the appetite. The health consequences of smoking are far far greater than those of being a few pounds overweight. Even if you are obese smoking won't improve your general health as your heart and lungs will be having a tough enough time already. without the added burden of even harder arteries and rotting lungs. This is the reason many people in the army/marines smoke (or more often chew tobbaco in the United States): they can supress their hunger if the are on a mission and short of food or don't get time to eat for whatever reason. Chewing tobacco is the preference in America as it doesn't affect the lungs, it just gives you mouth cancer instead. Why did you ask, was you thinking of doing it?


*That is, the chemicals in tobacco make you feel less hungry.
Reply 6
Why did you ask, was you thinking of doing it?


Yup. Aren't I an idiot? I used to smoke very occasionally in the past (I've never been addicted, it was just a case of one orr two a month or whatever when I felt like it) but thought that maybe it would speed things up if I took it up again. I am well aware what a stupid idea this is. I'm kind of revising my opinions having read through these posts; they've put it for me in quite a clear way.

Yup. Aren't I an idiot? I used to smoke very occasionally in the past (I've never been addicted, it was just a case of one orr two a month or whatever when I felt like it) but thought that maybe it would speed things up if I took it up again. I am well aware what a stupid idea this is. I'm kind of revising my opinions having read through these posts; they've put it for me in quite a clear way.

Don't just think of the short-term benefits, think of the long-term. Did you watch the programme on Channel 4, 'Autopsy, Life or Death', where they dissect bodies? The other night they took out a cancer and showed how far it had spread around the body. If you saw that, you would never want to damage your body in such a way as smoking.
Reply 8
Don't just think of the short-term benefits, think of the long-term. Did you watch the programme on Channel 4, 'Autopsy, Life or Death', where they dissect bodies? The other night they took out a cancer and showed how far it had spread around the body. If you saw that, you would never want to damage your body in such a way as smoking.

Okay, fair enough. I won't do it. If I can realise the stupidity of it from the outset it probably isn't my best idea ever, is it? Thanks for all your advice people.