The Student Room Group

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Right well there is this girl in the year above me and I kinda really really like her and well I was trying to get my friend to introduce me, it didn't happen. I couldn't just walk up to her and say hi or anything because I have no self-confidence, I added her on msn and she accepted but when I said who it was she blocked me and I asked my mate to talk to her and she was just being what I felt was harsh because of my feelings but in reality wasn't harsh just bibt mean. What should I do I mean I really like her should I try and talk to her face to face or give up?
Thanks for the help.
Well, if its blocked you then obviously she has no intrest. Give up and move on, Shes not worth it!
Reply 2
The reason I think she blocked me though was because she didn't know who I was
Reply 3
How did you get her Email address out of interest?
Reply 4
Mate gave it to me
The reason I think she blocked me though was because she didn't know who I was

Oh, I thought when you mensioned your name she blocked you. Talk to her in person, best way.
Reply 6
Make another email adress and try again.
Reply 7
hmm.....she probably wasn't too pleased about that. So what do you like so much about her?
Reply 8
I dunno there's just something about her kinda like an aura I can't really explain it shes just so there it's like I dunno she just seems so pure.
If it was me, i would just ask her to go cinema's with you. Its worked befored.
Reply 10
Ok, i thought you said in your first post that you told her it was you on MSN.
"I added her on msn and she accepted but when I said who it was she blocked me "

I don't know how old you are either, but in general girls don't tend to go out with guy's younger than them (not in general) she may just feel you're too immature and perhaps it's not worth pursuing. Speak to her yourself and if she blows you off try and forget it and move on.
Reply 11
Yeah sorry realised what I wrote in the first post kinda not correct but I like said hi and then she blocked me. The whole talking to her face thing is hard because I can't just walk up to her and say hi
Reply 12
To be honest, if a guy I didn't really know at school added me on MSN I'd be a little creeped. Talking face to face is the only way to handle the situation, even if you do think you simply can't do it.

If she's as shallow as G4ry's generalisation then she may not like that you're younger than her. However, most of us are sane enough to realise that's not always that important! :wink:
Reply 13
Out of interest what year are you in? Age can be quite a thing to girls when they're younger. If you can't do the face to face thing, then maybe add on MSN with another account and say who it is straight away. If not speak to her, or get your friend to introduce you. Or...if you see your friend speaking to her, just go up and join in perhaps. I'm out of ideas for now...


If she's as shallow as G4ry's generalisation then she may not like that you're younger than her. However, most of us are sane enough to realise that's not always that important! :wink:

Yeah, i carefully worded it "in general". But it's true though, or i found it to be true. It was always guys going out with younger girls and hardly ever the other way around. It's not about being shallow - it's just about being impressionable and a 15 year old girl for example may not want to deviate from the norm.
Reply 14
Lol thanks right well I'm in year 10 shes in year 11 it's not much of a gap. Plus my mate isn't really close friends with her I mean they don't really talk the main problem bout the face to face thing is the fact she usually has freinds with her which makes it even harder.
Reply 15
Yeah, i carefully worded it "in general". But it's true though, or i found it to be true. It was always guys going out with younger girls and hardly ever the other way around. It's not about being shallow - it's just about being impressionable and a 15 year old girl for example may not want to deviate from the norm.

You're right that at his age and place in school, it's much less likely. Shouldn't be a reason not to try though, I suppose!
Grow some balls and talk to her... If you're lucky, you're lucky. If you're not lucky, the least you can say is that you had the courage to ask her instead of regrettin it...
Reply 17
Well I've spoken to her on MSN I know coward but hey I sorted it out and we are on cool terms so it's fine.