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Reply 1
Can you help suggest things to keep my mind off food?

work, any type of work. Keep yourself occupied.
Reply 2
The only way I can resist is to simply not buy any. If I do buy snacks then I munch my way through them really quickly; if they're not there, I don't get hungry for them. The only stuff I do eat loads of is fruit, especially little oranges/satsumas/clementines when they're on offer.
Reply 3
The only way I can resist is to simply not buy any.

I'm the opposite. If I go shopping and stack the cupboard with all snacks, I feel 'full' and don't feel the need to eat.

~ weird.
I'm meant to be on a diet but I keep eating. I eat something ridiculous like 3000 cal a day (but I don't put weight on - random metabolism). Can you help suggest things to keep my mind off food? I love chocolate and sit snacking all day. Thanks

:ditto: and :ditto:

I just keep on eating as well and don't put on weight. Like just a minute ago I ate dinner and then ate half a box of garlic and herb M&S crackers

Every night at around 11pm I eat again, this has been a habit now. I guess I eat more when I'm bored and have spare time.....
Reply 5
Yep- a good thing is to try and fill up on fruit and veg, try and make the junk food less available. I've tried many many things and I really just have no willpower, am also huge! Exercising is good even if its just messing around having a swim with friends or going for a jog it makes you feel like you've achieved something and you feel less like you need to eat. I'd suggest cos you have a great metabolism and you aren't putting on weight then there's really no need to diet. The less you think about it, the less you weigh yourself, the less preoccupied you will be with food. Best of luck, Lucy x
Reply 6
Its said that alot of thirst is actually misdiagonsed by the body as hunger. Try drinking water when you get hungry.
you say you are always eating and don't put weight on... so what is the problem?! :smile: Lots of people (including me!) would love to have a metabolism like that.. my weight fluctuates from day to day and would probably only stay the same if I ate exactly the same thing everyday :rolleyes:

Think yourself lucky :p:
Its said that alot of thirst is actually misdiagonsed by the body as hunger. Try drinking water when you get hungry.

its not really about hunger though, eating is so pleasurable, hunger has nothing to do with it. I never ever feel hungry, but i always want to eat, 24/7.
Chewing gum.
It works, really!
Well it did for me anyway. I don't get hungry as much if I'm chewing. And I got the stuff that's supposedly good for teeth... :biggrin:
Hot chocolate.
I recommend high lights by cadburys/options 40 cal.
It's 40 calories per serving, takes a while to pour it out, then it has to cool for so long, and then it takes a while to drink it and leaves the taste in your mouth. sorted.
I'm meant to be on a diet but I keep eating. I eat something ridiculous like 3000 cal a day (but I don't put weight on - random metabolism). Can you help suggest things to keep my mind off food? I love chocolate and sit snacking all day. Thanks

I'm exactly the same. I tried dieting but it just did not work- also I just never had the will power.
My solution was counteracting it all with going to the gym every night :smile:
oh I love food. It might help if you smell something horrible, so keep a sock full of mouldy cheese in your pocket at all times, just in case you have those urges :wink:
Mmmm corroded jean pockets....hey it could catch on! :biggrin:
I could do with some food now actually... thanks for the reminder. LoL.
Reply 15
I have little willpower, so I have to remove the ability to get the foods and snacks that are bad for me. If I take money with me to college, I will spend it on chocolate etc. in addition to my lunch, so now, I take only notes for an emergency and therefore have no change to spend in the machines.
Another bad time for me is 10-11 pm, I usually search for snacks, so I've taken out all the biscuits and left only fruit. Sometimes, just a cup of tea when I'm peckish can relieve my need to snack. Mints such as tic tacs during the day may help when you feel like a snack.
Unfortunately, it doesn't always work so well; I needed to buy a bottle of water and threw in a chocolate bar too today, but compared to how much I used to eat in chocolate and crisps, I'm still cutting down this way. No change, no food from machines, just my healthy lunch that I've taken.
Reply 16
chew gum as it will stop you eating stuff!
Reply 17
sex, and lots of it.
Reply 18
These are my dieting 'secrets':

Water - I drink hot water to forget about snacking. Cool water carried with you everywhere to drink, you can alternate sips with diet coke if you hate water that much.

Also, if you need something sweet/chocolate then 'light' hot chocolate sachets which are only 35 kcal per cup, or mini jellies from Hartley's (you can buy them in Tesco) which are only 10 kcal per jelly.

Weightwatchers soups. They start at 35 kcal and finish at about 89 kcal per can. With wholemeal bread and salad, they're very filling.

Also, a spoonful of honey helps me late at night, just for a sugar boost.

And mantras: you have to focus on where you want to be, and where you are now. Eating won't achieve anything, and you will be left feeling guilty and miserable about your weight.
Reply 19
Drink a lot of water nto only will it be good for ur kidneys it will also keep u a lil full do u really need to diet? what is ur bmi?