The Student Room Group

Constant cold!

Hey, well basically i keep getting a cold! I have had one almost every month for the last 4/5 months or so atleast. Also, i dont know whether it is because i always have a cold, or something else, but i am often quite tired, though i dont know if this has something to do with me not sleeping enough. Which could be causing me to have the colds? :confused:

Do you think it is something that will go away in time, or should i see a doctor?
Reply 1
You need to go see a doctor, cos its a sign of a weak immune system, so there could be an underlying problem.
Reply 2
Anything been stressing you out lately?
Do you have quite a "healthy" lifestyle? Do you eat fresh fruit and veg, drink enough water and get enough sleep basically? There was a person at school who had a cold all year basically and he went to the doctor and was essentially told to try and make some minor changes in lifestyle and it actually helped pretty quickly.
Reply 4
It could be a dust allergy. I got that. I have a blocked up/runny nose everyday and like blocked up sinuses.

But the tablets to get rid of it all make me drowsy, so I just live with it. :biggrin:

Oh and tiredness could be anaemia, I had that as well, I take a vitamin with added iron everyday you can get them from boots and I tihnk they're safe if you aren't deficient in it anyway. But I'm not sure about ODing on iron so don't take my word for it.
Reply 5
ummm i dont eat that much fruit, but at the same time i wouldnt say i am unhealthy as i dont really eat junk food or anything, usually proper meals, meat and veg etc. I also eat fish several times a week (if tuna sandwiches at lunch at count).

Though i try to get a minimum of 8 hours sleep a night, it usually ends up being around 7. and no i wouldnt say i am that stressed, i get the occasional panic about my A- levels or relationship worries, but nothing serious and very rarely.