The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I have to compare these two stories for my homework, and seeing as how I've missed a few past homework’s I defiantly have to complete this one and get it in. The problem is I don't even know where to start. If anyone is familiar with the two stories, or has done a similar assignment before, please lend some help. Cheers.

Reading the texts might be a good start.
Reply 2
I've read the texts, but I'm still having a tough time finding comparisons between the two. I've missed about two weeks of English lessons in which Coleridge’s work was analysed in relation to the Bible. I've made a few links between the two texts, and what I've written thus far is pretty good, however I was hoping people here could provide me with links to WebPages in which Coleridge’s work is analysed in relation to the bible. This way I could catch up on my missed lessons and have a good platform on which to write my homework.

I should have just asked this to start off with; has anyone got any links to website which contain essays in which Coleridge’s writings are analysed in relation to the bible, and specifically to the story of Cain and Abel?
Reply 3
nope, but obvious things to consider that spring to mind:

1. man kills albatross. man is cursed for all eternity. vs cain kills abel, cain and his progeny are cursed for all eternity.

2. coleridge's belief in 'one life' - a reconciliation of pantheistic religious beliefs with christian ones. this would help you to contrast the two stories.

obviously, you probably know that, i just feel like pointing out the obvious. and i'd say try looking up criticism in a library, that's always a good starting point.