The Student Room Group
Reply 1
my hands/ feet twitch.. i ignore it and it goes away after a minute or so..
Reply 2
But mine is like very noticeable and it might make me look like a psycho sometimes. It's like one twitch but as if I turned my head quickly :confused: maybe I just need a massage.
Reply 3
could be a nervous twich, or tension as you said. they are really common, and most people get them, i think then main place to get them is your eye lid.. not sure though but groovy :p:

if it bothers you see a doctor, but unless it goes on for aagggggggeeeeeeesssssssss then there isnt much 2 worry about :smile:
Reply 4
woohoo! :biggrin:
I want my 10 seconds back, I thought this would be a thread where I could finally tell everyone about my bird watching habits...but alas. :p:
Reply 6
hehe! Sorry :p:

This thread seems pretty pointless now, so i'm gonna just close it :biggrin:
