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Surely you can just pretend? :s-smilie:
Reply 2
Surely you can just pretend? :s-smilie:

well, I was ill the other day. but it must of been a 24 hour thing. so my parents are no longer feeling for the 'I feel sick' thing
Reply 3
Pretend/'attempt' suicide?
Psychological illness? :biggrin:
Reply 4
Can you, somehow, trick your body into becoming ill? If so, any tips. I have to be ill for tomorrow morning. not ill, ill, just a little something. I know this is a odd question, but we all times in our lifes, where we rather be ill then do things we don't want to. :redface:

Camp out on the roof: contract hypothermia.
Reply 5
Camp out on the roof: contract hypothermia.

lol. good one :p:
Um...Scream into a pillow and drink loads of lemon juice!
Reply 7
Pretend/'attempt' suicide?
Psychological illness? :biggrin:

hmm....great idea :rolleyes:

Honestly....i don't know what to say.
jus run 2 the loo in middle of night
cough loads
keep flushing chain
pretend u been vomiting and u musta ate somethin dodgy
what is it ur tryin 2 get out of?
Reply 9
You're 19 - do what you want.
1. use a concealor to dab on your lips and make your lips pale to give the *undernourished* ill look.
2. relax your eyes so that it almost appears that you are squinting. This makes you look tired and ill.
3. hunch
4. go with the lemon juice and scream into a pillow idea, good for a croaky voice.
5. When speaking, especially if it's important, cough uncontrollably when it's the important part and this will make them sympathise with you that you cannot get out what you want to say because of the coughing. (and look frustrated that you can't say what you want to)
6. sit down as much as possible. This gives the impression of weakness and even when you're standing, remember, hunch and hold onto a table/ chair. Hunch when you're sitting and lean both arms on the table if there is one, like you're using the table for support.
7. spend ages in the toilet and keep the water running for a long time. This seems to work.

Reply 11
Laxatives? Hehe
Reply 12
1. use a concealor to dab on your lips and make your lips pale to give the *undernourished* ill look.
2. relax your eyes so that it almost appears that you are squinting. This makes you look tired and ill.
3. hunch
4. go with the lemon juice and scream into a pillow idea, good for a croaky voice.
5. When speaking, especially if it's important, cough uncontrollably when it's the important part and this will make them sympathise with you that you cannot get out what you want to say because of the coughing. (and look frustrated that you can't say what you want to)
6. sit down as much as possible. This gives the impression of weakness and even when you're standing, remember, hunch and hold onto a table/ chair. Hunch when you're sitting and lean both arms on the table if there is one, like you're using the table for support.
7. spend ages in the toilet and keep the water running for a long time. This seems to work.


:smile: seems I've met the master
Reply 13
Works for me: stay up really, really late. You won't be able to get up in the morning and may have the natural appearance of being ill, and if you're lucky (like I always am), it'll kill your immune system just well enough to give you a nasty sore throat in the morning.
:smile: seems I've met the master

oh yeahhh :cool:
Reply 15
sit in a cold bath with your pj's on and then lie on your bed with the window wide open. I don't recomend it though :wink:
Reply 16
Can you, somehow, trick your body into becoming ill? If so, any tips. I have to be ill for tomorrow morning. not ill, ill, just a little something. I know this is a odd question, but we all times in our lifes, where we rather be ill then do things we don't want to. :redface:

Actually it is possible to make yourself think your ill and therefore feel ill, without actually throwing up or stuff like that.
But its alot simpler to just pretend :p:
Reply 17
1. use a concealor to dab on your lips and make your lips pale to give the *undernourished* ill look.
2. relax your eyes so that it almost appears that you are squinting. This makes you look tired and ill.
3. hunch
4. go with the lemon juice and scream into a pillow idea, good for a croaky voice.
5. When speaking, especially if it's important, cough uncontrollably when it's the important part and this will make them sympathise with you that you cannot get out what you want to say because of the coughing. (and look frustrated that you can't say what you want to)
6. sit down as much as possible. This gives the impression of weakness and even when you're standing, remember, hunch and hold onto a table/ chair. Hunch when you're sitting and lean both arms on the table if there is one, like you're using the table for support.
7. spend ages in the toilet and keep the water running for a long time. This seems to work.


Perchance, the voice of experience?
Reply 18
Perchance, the voice of experience?

To be honest, it seems alot quicker and easier to just lie than going through all them instructions :p:
Reply 19
have some raw chicken