The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Er,that doesn't help me much.
Reply 2
well what else do u want ppl 2 do? if they suggest sumthin its not like you're going to do exactly that, coz ultimately you have 2 make the final decision. so just go with your own instinct!
Reply 3
I have the same thing. I'm in 'telemarketing' (as they call it) I feel so rubbish ringing people up, not many people want to speak to me (as I wouldn't, if it were the other way around) :mad: , and it's the same ALL the time :rolleyes: so boring. I wouls go with number 1 (Tell them and probably get bollocked) because at least you would of told them :smile: being honest is best

Thanks.It's a terrible job isn't it?I can imagine telemarketing is so much worse than market research.

Telling them would be scary but then I can get bitchy if they turn on me I guess as it's their fault for not making me sign the contract(I'll wait until the end of the month so I get my pay cheque though...)....

The other thing I was thinking of doing is waiting until they call up and acting surprised(whilst pretending to be my sister) and saying 'Oh,she had to go away at really short notice,there was an emergency,didn't she tell you?I'll get her to give you a call but I don't know when that will be....'

I mean,that way they are told,I don't get killed,and everyone's "happy".
Thanks.It's a terrible job isn't it?I can imagine telemarketing is so much worse than market research.

Telling them would be scary but then I can get bitchy if they turn on me I guess as it's their fault for not making me sign the contract(I'll wait until the end of the month so I get my pay cheque though...)....

The other thing I was thinking of doing is waiting until they call up and acting surprised(whilst pretending to be my sister) and saying 'Oh,she had to go away at really short notice,there was an emergency,didn't she tell you?I'll get her to give you a call but I don't know when that will be....'

I mean,that way they are told,I don't get killed,and everyone's "happy".

oh trust me, telemarketing is....well there are no words really. I just sit there 9-6 ringing all the time. cold calling people. :mad: if I were you, I would just come across all nice and say, 'Ive been thinking, I don't think she job is for me. thank you for all you've done for me, I've really enjoyed my time here (lie, :smile: ) but I think it's time I've moved on' or words to that effect. I have to say number 2 is good mind you, but I still think honest is the best way forward. :smile:
Reply 5
oh trust me, telemarketing is....well there are no words really. I just sit there 9-6 ringing all the time. cold calling people. :mad: if I were you, I would just come across all nice and say, 'Ive been thinking, I don't think she job is for me. thank you for all you've done for me, I've really enjoyed my time here (lie, :smile: ) but I think it's time I've moved on' or words to that effect. I have to say number 2 is good mind you, but I still think honest is the best way forward. :smile:

9-6 would kill me.I work 10-4 with half an hour(or an hour's break,depends on my mood) and I always turn up a few minutes late,take frequent toilet breaks,sneakily have a few mins extra lunch on each side,dial up 'non connected' numbers so I don't have to speak to people and it looks like I'm doing work,scribble on the contact sheets so it looks like I'm doing work.I start packing up 15 minutes before I finish,lol...I don't have how I've managed to get 20 surveys over the last two days with all my procrastination.

I think my plan for tommorow is to ask to leave at 2pm,get my shifts for next week(as I need to collect my pay cheque at the end of next week),I think I'll lie and say I have a few appointments next week so I can only work 2 shifts,or something, and then I'll go for a wander around the town looking for shop jobs*prays*...that way I haven't quit and still have a job in case I can't find one.
9-6 would kill me.I work 10-4 with half an hour(or an hour's break,depends on my mood) and I always turn up a few minutes late,take frequent toilet breaks,sneakily have a few mins extra lunch on each side,dial up 'non connected' numbers so I don't have to speak to people and it looks like I'm doing work,scribble on the contact sheets so it looks like I'm doing work.I start packing up 15 minutes before I finish,lol...I don't have how I've managed to get 20 surveys over the last two days with all my procrastination.

I think my plan for tommorow is to ask to leave at 2pm,get my shifts for next week(as I need to collect my pay cheque at the end of next week),I think I'll lie and say I have a few appointments next week so I can only work 2 shifts,or something, and then I'll go for a wander around the town looking for shop jobs*prays*...that way I haven't quit and still have a job in case I can't find one.

great idea. :smile: I'm the same, as in looking for a job when I still have one. if I had my way, I'd have no job, but I need the money. I have to say, your job sounds petty cool. good hours at least. it feels like u just spoke about me, I'm EXACTLY the same with the turning up late, taking frequent toilet breaks, well all of it really. :biggrin:
Reply 7
I do market research and i hate it with every inch of my body! It sucks so bad i get pissed off about having to go there and i dred going there. The only reason i stay is the flexibility of the job and the good money (£5.42 ph and £8.10 bonus). When i leave im gonna tell them to stick their job up there arse, i reccomend you do that and tell me about it so i can think about it next tim i go into work.
Reply 8
hi lol this may sound wierd considering everyones been slating telemarketing/market research but a couple of friends of mine have reccomended it to me so could one of you please tell me how you got the job in the first place, :smile:

oh about quitting when i quit my last job i just said there was problems at home and i had to be at home more, it was a lie but it worked like a charm.