The Student Room Group

Learning to dance

Broadly speaking, to what extent is dancing an innate ability, and to what extent can it be learned? I've started taking street dance classes, and whilst I'm not the worst in the class, I'm certainly not the best. I just wondered how much room for improvement there is.

I've got rhythm and can remember the choreography, it's just making it look right (and making my body do more accurately what my head is telling it). How much of that can be learnt and how much is down to my natural (in)ability?

Thoughts welcomed...
I've danced since the age of two :eek: and you'll find the body movement gets easier and more free the longer you dance. Just attend lots of classes and practise at home. It helps to keep flexible too as this gives you the smooth lines and helps it to look 'right'. Good luck with the classes! What type of dance are you doing?
Edit: OK, I just read you are taking street unobservant!!
Reply 2
I've danced since the age of two :eek: and you'll find the body movement gets easier and more free the longer you dance. Just attend lots of classes and practise at home. It helps to keep flexible too as this gives you the smooth lines and helps it to look 'right'. Good luck with the classes! What type of dance are you doing?
Edit: OK, I just read you are taking street unobservant!!

Thanks for the tips :smile: This is my second term of it and I just feel like I lost all my dancing ability over the holiday! I can remember choreography but how it looks in my head and how it looks in the mirror are two different things :rolleyes: Do you think taking another type of class in addition to street dance would be helpful?
Reply 3
I used to suck at dancing then somebody told me its all about how you move your hips and then after a while move your body into the movement with shoulders and legs too.
Although make sure its not OTT, it should be sexy and in tune with the music.

I have gone from being laughed at dancing, to being called a sexy dancer and all it took were the words I have told you. Also don't try to move your arms, your arms are only supposed to move as a natural reaction to your dancing similar to when you walk and your arms move slightly.

edit: Just noticed you were talking about choreographed/ professional dancing, I'll get me coat.
Reply 4
I used to suck at dancing then somebody told me its all about how you move your hips and then after a while move your body into the movement with shoulders and legs too.
Although make sure its not OTT, it should be sexy and in tune with the music.

I have gone from being laughed at dancing, to being called a sexy dancer and all it took were the words I have told you. Also don't try to move your arms, your arms are only supposed to move as a natural reaction to your dancing similar to when you walk and your arms move slightly.

edit: Just noticed you were talking about choreographed/ professional dancing, I'll get me coat.

Hehe thanks anyway :wink: ...weirdly, dancing in a club I don't have a problem with, I've had random people come up to me to compliment my dancing before and I feel totally at home giving it my all in that situation... I think my problem is I overthink and analyse choreography and it stops the moves coming out so naturally.
Reply 5
Broadly speaking, to what extent is dancing an innate ability, and to what extent can it be learned? I've started taking street dance classes, and whilst I'm not the worst in the class, I'm certainly not the best. I just wondered how much room for improvement there is.

I've got rhythm and can remember the choreography, it's just making it look right (and making my body do more accurately what my head is telling it). How much of that can be learnt and how much is down to my natural (in)ability?

Thoughts welcomed...

I've had no formal training, and am better than anyone else I know. That said, I probably couldn't execute a choreographed routine to save my life (let alone, anyone else's).
I think dancing is a bit of both innate ability and learning, as most things are really.
I attended dance classes, took dance exams and went to competitions when I was younger, but quit once I started becoming self-conscious about people looking at me.
However the old flair comes out after a few whiskeys in clubs, and then I don't care, it's great!
Dance classes definitely make innate ability even better though. I'd totally recommend starting!
I've been dancing since I was 7 years old so dancing comes naturally to me.
but I think that dancing is something that people can learn to do and enjoy, y'know? I know a lot of people who were really stiff in the beginning because of self-consciousness mostly and when they really began getting into the routine, they kinda got dancing naturally...and all that. did that even make sense? :P
Reply 8
Your movement will become more confident and free if you can strengthen your core muscles (the ones that hold you up) so that you become better able to keep your balance while flinging yourself into a move. It also helps if you don't use the mirrors - concentrate on each part of your body, so you can feel exactly where your arms and feet are, and take time to focus on one part at a time until you think it's the best you can get it. Practise until that movement becomes instinctual, and then focus on another part of you. Street dance isn't easy - having been trained as a ballet dancer, I find street almost impossible! - but you can improve with a bit of concentration and effort. Good luck!
shizzle ga bizzle. :P
Reply 10
With more practise it definately becomes more natural. I cant really speak for dance classes but theres always going to be a chance for you to improve if you practise.