The Student Room Group


i've had spots all over my face since i was about 14, and on my back and shoulders for about 2 years. I'm 18 now, so thinking i should really have seen a doctor by now. just don't know the way to go about it... anyone used any miraculously good products which aren't too expensive?

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Reply 1
i have tried everything, you just need a balenced diet and some of that peroxy stuff or wateva from your doctor.
Reply 2
If you are female, talk to your GP about going on the worked miracles for me. Good luck :smile:
Reply 3
Back and shoulders sounds like you're more like a bloke to me. Go to your doc get some antibiotics they work great.
Reply 4
nope, am a girl :frown: well thanks for all replies :smile:
Reply 5
If you are female, talk to your GP about going on the worked miracles for me. Good luck :smile:

Out of curiosity- what would happen if a guy went on the pill to try and combat spots? Would it just be a major oestrogen surge- in which case that's bad?
Reply 6
tea tree oil works wonders :biggrin: I used to have loads of spots when I was younger, but I used loads of products to try and get rid of them, but in fact, I threw all the products away and just used water and soap sometimes on my face and it cleared up quite a lot. Now I only use a drop of tea tree oil on days when I see a spot.
Do you use any harsh chemicals on your face? Also, I found that by not wearing make up anymore it cleared up my skin so much. Sometimes people put more make up on when they have spots, but this just aggrevates the spots even more, so I suggest you let your skin breathe and whatever you do, don't use foundation if you have sensitive skin.
Reply 7
There's some Garnier stuff at the moment which seems to be helping me (I'm the same, with spots on my back and shoulders too, although the Pill cleared most it up). There's a daily wash thing, and then a night treatment which, from experience, feels a lot like the tube of creamy gel they give you at the doctors, only with less chemicals. Seems to be less damaging to the skin.
Reply 8
Out of curiosity- what would happen if a guy went on the pill to try and combat spots? Would it just be a major oestrogen surge- in which case that's bad?

Have a go and post us the results :p:

Reply 9
i havent had ba spots on my back, but i can sympathise with you about having them on your face.... i also have suffered from really bad spots since i was 13/14 and am now 19. I still get spots and the occasional really bad few... my doctor tried me on antibiotics for a few months and they didnt help, i tried this really good cream from the dctr called benza.. something or another and it got rid of the spots but made my skin so dry! i also tried some products off a website that was really good!
Reply 10
I have tried everything on this thread, and none of them have worked for me. I'm wondering about going to the doctor too but I'm kind of a doctor-phobe lol.
Reply 11
Have a go and post us the results :p:


That's if I haven't sprouted ovaries and I find mysterious amounts of blood appearing some how! :eek:
Reply 12
You need to buy an aloe vera plant. Not an aloe vera based product but an actual plant. Also a cream called sudocrem which is supposed to be used for nappy rash or something but there you go.

I have been lucky enough to never have bad spots but whenever one did pop up, snap a bit off one of the leaves of the aloe vera plant, squeeze some of the sap onto the spot, bit of sudocrem over the top. Leave it overnight and the spot is gone in the morning.....guaranteed!

If you try it and it works (as it will) feel free to rep me, I don't like this red gem :banghead:
I know this sounds really bad and will probably get flamed for saying it...

But sun(beds) will help. A mate of mine had really bad spots for all of her teen years, went on antibiotics and the pill etc and it didn't work so her doc suggested a sun bed - nothing stupid; just like once a week or even less and it worked.
If not, my bro who had BAD acne is on this good bacteria pill which has worked wonders - will find out name.
Be careful on antibiotics, as they can wreck your stomach for life.

Flux...I'll rep you if you rep me :biggrin:
Reply 14
LoL sounds like a plan.
Reply 15
I think I'd need a whole forest of aloe vera plants if that worked lol. I have tried aloe vera gel (in pure form, you can buy it), but that didn't really work much. It seems ANYTHING I put on my skin, no matter how natural, will just make me skin worse, i.e. red, inflamed, flaky, oily, all kinds of things.
Reply 16
I have tried aloe vera gel

Thats no good, it has to be FRESH!
Reply 17
Lol then I suggest you send me a whole load of aloe vera plants!
Reply 18
I know what you mean, it works on burns, sunburns etc too. But to treat spots daily then you would need many aloe vera plants because once you snap the end of the leaf off, it pretty much dies. I wouldn't want to be waiting around for the plant to grow a new leaf.
Reply 19
ANYWAY, to the OP: I would say you would just have to give them a call and go in (although I'm not brave enough to do this). Tell them about your problem and how it is affecting you. Try telling them what you have already used and I am sure that they will be able to suggest or prescribe something for you. Good luck.