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Reply 1
...what, she never wants to have sex?
Reply 2
Reply 3
as in not ever?
Perhaps she belongs to a religious group that doesn't allow pre-marital sex ie Catholics?
Reply 4
She says never, and she's really firm in this idea, there's no basis for it that she can explain- it's not religion.
Reply 5
lol you've got us Catholics wrong, they believe sex before marriage is wrong and that you should feel guilty for it (like most things). This is not the same as not being allowed to do it :biggrin:.
Reply 6
hehehe I *am* Catholic...and you are technically NOT supposed to have it...but if you go to Confession I suppose you could say you're sorry....
Reply 7 she doesnt want sex after marriage either?
Reply 8
Is she asexual?
Reply 9
but if you go to Confession I suppose you could say you're sorry....
"Crucifying Christ twice".

I'm not a Chirstian but I know those were St. Paul's words towards such an attitude
Mangaroo she doesnt want sex after marriage either?

that raises the question does she want to marry?
Give me 5 mins with her... problem solved.
Reply 12
She doesn't want sex after marriage, I don't know if she's asexual, but is it possible that she'll end up in a happy relationship without too much difficulty?
some people are just not interested in sex....not a big deal just a choice...she doesn't know what she's missing...or maybe she does...ignorance is bliss :biggrin:


She doesn't want sex after marriage, I don't know if she's asexual, but is it possible that she'll end up in a happy relationship without too much difficulty?

seeing that,maybe she's just scared of the pain she might feel...i have a friend who wants sex but is scared coz she doesn't want to go through the pain and then that of she's never gonna have kids or sex...a bit silly and wierd but there you go.ok not silly but not normal.
Reply 14
maybe she should marry a sex addict. he wont be able to have sex and she doesn't want it. perfect match

my friend asked me if i'd go without sex for 5 years, for a million pounds. my only questions were that if i just didn't get any for 5 years, that i'd get the money, and would bad sex just not count??
i'd ask if i could use a toy...i'd do it if i could use a toy
Reply 16
Well there are people out there (believe it or not) who may not necessarily want it. Obviously we naturally think it's strange...but not everyone. Eg those ordained to religious roles (ie priests and nuns) within the Catholic Church...OK i know this example won't hold of you look at evidence from recent years...but you get my gist. For instance any academic wanting to gain a Fellowship at my College a century ago had to vow celibacy. Even today wives of Fellows arn't allowed to live with them at College. Lol.
I can't imagine anyone not wanting sex, i understand that she maybe scared but everyone is scared the first time, hell i was terrified, but then i was also sure i wanted it. Maybe she is saying she doesn't want it becasue she isn't sure, and its easier to say no than to say i don't know or i don't feel ready yet. It wsanl;t as painful as i expected and it is possible to have sex and not children. my boyf and I at the moment don't want children but we can still have as much sex as we like.
Reply 18
Morrissey claims he has never and never will have sex.
Reply 19
are there any boys out there who are prepared to have a long-term relationship without sex/foreplay

Yes there are. (hint hint :p: )

Is she asexual?

Sounds like it.