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Reply 1
I'm a bit confused - please could someone tell me whether Montserrat is an LEDC or MEDC :confused:

since it belongs to the UK, it is an MEDC
Reply 2
will depend as to what criteria you are defineing it by
I don't think it can ever be as clear a one or the other its a bit of a grey area
Just because something belongs to the UK doesn't make it an MEDC, Britain used to "own" lots of colonies in Africa and they certainly aren't MEDCs :/ I know this is a really old post but I googled Monserrat LEDC and it was one of the first hits, didn't want people to think that was true lol!
stupid, its ledc you dick:biggrin:
Original post by Lukas
since it belongs to the UK, it is an MEDC

Just because it is a BOT doesn't mean it's an MEDC. It is actually classed as an LEDC.
Reply 6
i have always thought of it as an LEDC but defining a country as either MEDC or LEDC can be hard as it is not always clear as to which they belong, but i would go with LEDC in this case.
Original post by tgwktm
i have always thought of it as an LEDC but defining a country as either MEDC or LEDC can be hard as it is not always clear as to which they belong, but i would go with LEDC in this case.

It's being phased out at the minute by a lot of geographers, as something that is getting old.
Less Developed and Developed is one that is seeming to be growing in popularity.
Reply 8
Original post by clareramos
It's being phased out at the minute by a lot of geographers, as something that is getting old.
Less Developed and Developed is one that is seeming to be growing in popularity.

yes, i am always being told that i should refer to countries as LDC or MDC or simply richer or poorer
Original post by tgwktm
yes, i am always being told that i should refer to countries as LDC or MDC or simply richer or poorer

MDC and LDC is better as it remove economics, but still very much the same as LEDC and MEDC as it is hard to define a clear border. Same for Richer and Poorer.

With Developed and Less Developed you are able to set a boundary, which is why I think it is liked. It is very much, as you'd expect, by Development Geographers as they can set the border, in what is a very subjective area of Geography.
Reply 10
I would defiantly say I is a less developed country. If you research the island it has minimal infrastructure etc and the management regarding the eruption was a tad rubbish.. It may be an oversees territory of the United Kingdom, however, this is irrelevant as the immediate effects were clearly not felt in the UK. Monserrat residents were the second largest national migration to the UK in history, so help was given but hardly enough to class the tiny island as developed!
Reply 11
development as a whole is hard to define as it is so unclear but for the purpose of a case study or a exam i would say LEDC
Without a doubt its an LEDC over a MEDC. Its infastructure wasn't great before the big eruption but now its a mess.
definitely an LEDC
im not too sure on the terminology of LEDC and MEDC though, when I did a level last year we were told to use HIC and LIC (high income countries and low income countries) because the terms LEDC and MEDC were the old terms for it, so you might want to double check that to be safe
Reply 14
Whoever Lukas is... He is wrong, and therefore stupid. Montserrat is classified as an LEDC for obvious reasons.
Reply 15
Original post by booyouwhore71
stupid, its ledc you dick:biggrin:

Amen to that brutha :rolleyes:
Reply 16
Original post by Lukas
since it belongs to the UK, it is an MEDC

You,re a dumb prick.... Its a less developed country you mong... My name is david bevis i am from horton kirby i have two rats one called bella and the other is called [insert namehere]
It is and LEDC as it has had a recent volcanic eruption making significant damge to the economy and encironment. it is also so small with a population of approximatley 5, 106 people.
Its LEDC. Fact.
Original post by racheyroo
definitely an LEDC
im not too sure on the terminology of LEDC and MEDC though, when I did a level last year we were told to use HIC and LIC (high income countries and low income countries) because the terms LEDC and MEDC were the old terms for it, so you might want to double check that to be safe

I do Environmental Science GCSE. They still call it LEDC and MEDC whereas Edexcel Geography now calls it LIC, MIC and HIC.