The Student Room Group

Need opinon on.....

I used to go out with my friend's ex boyfriend and she's taken it not so well, but i dumped him after 3months thou! the way i look at it is there was a reason your ex your ex-anyone else agree?? :confused: and if they weren't happpy together you'd think that she would have been happy for me- cus they weren't happy together, if it was the other way round i'd been happy for them cus afterall there is a reason your ex is ur ex!
sorry it's so long
beauts :smile:
Never date a friends ex EVER its never ok
If any of my friends dated my last serious long term girlfriend, I would probably inflict a serious amount of pain on them.

Once I had a close friend that went out with my ex about a week after we finished. We are still in the same circle of friends together, but there is sort of a mutual disliking of one another. We keep it underwraps for the sake of the group.
Reply 3
I answered the one without a poll. I hate it when that happens. You shouldn't go after your friend's ex unless you know she's ok with it first. Whether she has a right to be upset or not is different. xx
That was a little selfish and inconsiderate of you. You obviously don't value your friendship, as your friends feelings should have been priority.
Reply 5
I don't think that it's a good idea. To be honest, it would put me off that they would know the bf intimately and to think that they were where I am.

If any of that makes sense..basically: sloppy seconds? no thank you.

If ever you do end up having feelings for a friend's ex, as some others have mentioned above, you should always make sure it's ok with them first if you start something.
Reply 6
iv bin at the ova end of it, my best m8 went out with my first love+major long term boyf. taking ages for me to accept even though i ended it. id not recommend anyone do it, its painful and just plain wierd
I can't believe the poll results. :confused: It depends somewhat on circumstances, but you can't totally rule out someone because your mate went out with them. Ok if it was a long-term thing and the people started going out a week later then there might be a problem, but ultimately relationships at 17/18 aren't likely to last anyway so the whole idea of such strict etiquette is weird in my opinion.
Reply 8
Never date a friends ex EVER its never ok
totally agree! regardless of how they broke up its just never done
Reply 9
Hmmm, me and my mates have never really had this prob...
If one of us say's his intrested in a girl, then it's automatically a no go zone...
However, if one of my mates ex's came onto me a while after they had split, I'd have to talk to my mate...
then I'd take it from there...
I've pretty much said that if they go after my ex's....then their my ex's for a reason and they can do what they want....
Reply 10
sorry it's so long
What did you get for GCSE english?
Reply 11
Have you not heard of the danger equation? :rolleyes:
Reply 12
What did you get for GCSE english?

Have does the study of Shakespeare ,and the analysis of short stories relate to this thread?
Its like an unwritten girls law, you dont go out with your friend's exes. For a start why would you want take her sloppy seconds.
I can't believe the poll results. :confused: It depends somewhat on circumstances, but you can't totally rule out someone because your mate went out with them. Ok if it was a long-term thing and the people started going out a week later then there might be a problem, but ultimately relationships at 17/18 aren't likely to last anyway so the whole idea of such strict etiquette is weird in my opinion.

Agreed. Why be upset at your friend for going out with an ex of yours if it makes them both happy?
one of my best friends went out with a guy who was an ex of one of my other (and one of her) best friends (at the time... neither of us are that close anymore- though thats not because of this)
they started going out a week after my friend broke up with this guy (theyd been going out for 6months)... and they are still together now, 2 and a half years on.

I think my friend did ask my other friend if she was ok with it though - she didnt just zoom into it, even though it was her that had dumped him rather than him dumping her,,,

i think if the situation is right then fair enough, if she broke up with him.. then there shouldnt really be a problem should there? it depends on the situation.


Its like an unwritten girls law, you dont go out with your friend's exes. For a start why would you want take her sloppy seconds.

theyre not necessairly "sloppy seconds" they just might not have got on well - different guys suit different girls - you can't just rule out someone just if theyve been out with one of your friends - the only time i'd do that would be if my friend still liked them, or was still quite emotional about the breakup
...yes, IF you've spoken to her about it and she's OK with it; IF she has absolutely no feelings for him anymore whatsoever, or IF you genuinely think you want to have a real and very long-term relationship and you value that more than the friendship.

So I dunno which poll option to tick :smile:
Its silly to just say u can't date ur friends exes ever!

It depends on the situation, like how long ago they broke up and whether there are still feeling there.