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i need ur opinion.....

last year i dated my friend's ex boyfriend for 3 months then dumped him, she's still being really funny about it even thou i dumped him, the way i look at is there is a reason ur ex is ur ex!! anyone else agree!?:confused: if she was a true friend i think she would have been happy for me cuz they weren't happy together, if it was the other way round i would have been happy for them afterall there is a reason ur ex is ur ex!...even thou i probably shouldn't have dated her ex- but she could have at least been happy? and now my friends aren't so nice to me- we used to hang around in a group but it wasn't any of their business anyway! they still are even thou i dumped last year....what do ya's think about the situation would you's try and fix things or move on....??
sorry it's so long!!
Reply 1
I think that there is an unwritten rule that you don't go after your friend's ex. Unless you talk to her first and get her permission. xx
Reply 2
I think that there is an unwritten rule that you don't go after your friend's ex. Unless you talk to her first and get her permission. xx

thanks for ur input but you'd think she would have been happy for us even thou i didn't tell her but she found out a few weeks later and i dumped him cus he was a waste of space :redface: and he cheated on me! i suppose that was my punishement! :confused: but she's still funny with me, even after i dumped him?? what do ya think?
Reply 3
thanks for ur input but you'd think she would have been happy for us even thou i didn't tell her but she found out a few weeks later and i dumped him cus he was a waste of space :redface: and he cheated on me! i suppose that was my punishement! :confused: but she's still funny with me, even after i dumped him?? what do ya think?

I think that's your problem, right there... bad enough that you go out with her ex, but then you don't tell your friend that you are. You may think that you were protecting her by not telling her, but it probably made things worse... :frown: I know I'd have felt hurt if it was me. She's probably still 'funny' with you because she feels she can't trust you any more. The best thing to do is try to bring it up in a conversation, and say you're really sorry that things turned out the way they did - see how she reacts. Hope it works out - and next time you fancy a friend's ex, ask her first! :smile:
Reply 4
last year i dated my friend's ex boyfriend for 3 months then dumped him, she's still being really funny about it even thou i dumped him, the way i look at is there is a reason ur ex is ur ex!! anyone else agree!?:confused: if she was a true friend i think she would have been happy for me cuz they weren't happy together, if it was the other way round i would have been happy for them afterall there is a reason ur ex is ur ex!...even thou i probably shouldn't have dated her ex- but she could have at least been happy? and now my friends aren't so nice to me- we used to hang around in a group but it wasn't any of their business anyway! they still are even thou i dumped last year....what do ya's think about the situation would you's try and fix things or move on....??
sorry it's so long!!

it's never a good idea to go out with a mates ex, but i think she should have forgiven you by now - that is if she saw it as THAT much of a problem..

i should just talk to your friend, and if she won't listen, tell her to grow up.
i went out with my friend's ex, best thing I've ever done in my life! In my opinion, if she is being a bitch about it, then she shouldn't be your friend. Like you said, he is an ex for a reason. It's not like she owns him.
Talk to her about it and try to sort it out. There might be another reason which you haven't thought about.,
Reply 6
I think that there is an unwritten rule that you don't go after your friend's ex. Unless you talk to her first and get her permission. xx

Agreed, i mean surely you expected some problems when you started going with this guy???
I think you should try and fix things, but it might be hard to gain there trust
Reply 7
even thou i probably shouldn't have dated her ex- but she could have at least been happy? and now my friends aren't so nice to me-

why would she be happy, you said it yourself you probably shouldn't have dated him.
but it has been a while i think that its water over the bridge now, no point in dwelling on the past, nothing u can do about it, have u tried talking to her about it
Reply 8
Pumpkin7 that's what i think..i mean i dumped in the summer this is now 6months later n if it was the other way round i wud have been cool- ur ex is ur ex for a reason-isn't it! although i probably shud have told her but she probably wouldn't have been happy that i ws dating her ex...i guess she wasn't a true friend!?:confused:
beauts :smile:
i agree with some ppl, your friend's ex is her ex, not her's! i guess she migh felt jealous when she found out u went out with her ex cos she might thought he's still hers (as i do felt like this when i found out my ex went out with someone els after i dump him.But i realised, immediately, that we were over so i wasn't upset .) I think the best way is to TALK to her about this.I mean TALK not Text ok.

Gud luck for wotever u decide.
thanks but from what i gathered they parted on bad terms..but i'll talk not text!
I don't think you are being very sensitive about the way your friend feels. To say that she's a bad friend because she wasn't happy you were dating her ex AND didn't tell her. I would say that you were the one who isn't a good friend. You should have spoken to her about the situation before getting together with her ex-boyfriend and checked it was OK. Sure he's not her 'property' but they still have history together and it's cruel to disregard her feelings so you can go play around with him.

How long after they split up did you begin to date him? If it was really soon after then I would've been pissed too in her situation. It may not be 'fair' to feel like that but life is that way. People don't stop caring about someone overnight and she probably felt that you were invading her territory.

Also important is how long they went out for. If it was a serious relationship or went on for quite a long time then she has more right to be mad at you, in my opinion. I've had a couple of serious relationships and I'd still find it weird if my friends started dating them, even a good 3 months after the last one and I split.

Also how did they split up? If it was because he cheated or flirted too much with other women then maybe she suspects you of being one of the women he cheated on her with.

All in all I would think you were a fairly crap friend of mine if you did this to me. If it were a serious relationship or really soon after my relationship had ended I'd not be best pleased. I'd probably wonder if the two of you had been sneaking around behind my back for ages & if you'd hooked up whilst we were still together. I'd be most hurt by the fact you didn't tell me what was going on..after all what kind of friend keeps secrets like this?
I dated him 8months after they split up! they didn't split on good terms..but even if i had of told her i think she still would have been mad that is understandable but if it was the other way round then i'd been cool n it was her ex not her b/friend! anyway it's water under the bridge dumped him after 2months in the summer he cheated on me(i think) so maybe that was my punishment?