The Student Room Group
Reply 1
That she was just good friends with him.

I've been with blokes in the past who've had very close female friends. Not a problem, unless something else happens that gets me worrying. But then that applies to everyone, not just good friends.
Reply 2
Depends how much you trust her.
I know girls who are like that, and they haven't and probably wouldn't cheat on their boyfriends.
If I was going out with a girl like that I'm not sure I'd like it but if I liked them enough then you just have to accept it...
It shouldn't be a problem if you trust her. I have lots of male friends, and they're just that:friends. Whether they fancy me or not I don't know, but they're not going to show it, for fear of ruining their friendship with me and my bf.
I would think that you have serious insecurity issues.
I hate this whole " you can only be friends with other girls, all your guy friends obviously must fancy you " C.R.A.P.

Give her a break.
I hang around with a guy gang who are my best friends and thats all they are, if I had a bf I would never cheat with them.
Saying that though, there is so much history with each of them so not sure that helps :rolleyes:
At the end of the day it all comes down to trust. Either you do or you don't.
My ex finished with me when I refused to stop being friends with some of my male friends. Friends always come first I'm afraid. Unless you have any evidence they're anything more than that i dont see a problem with it. Even if they fancy your girlfriend it doesnt mean she fancies them back
Reply 9
You should praise her male friends loads because when they bad mouth you, your girlfriend will be well on your side ^^.
Reply 10
dump her and date an ugly girl
Reply 11
If your girlfriend had alot of friends who were male and some clearly fancy her, they spend alot of time with each other but she says they are just good friends and she is happy with you.

I would think shes just good friends with them,
I understand theres some guys out there who will be "Just good friends" with a girl in the hope they can get something more out of it.
I cant say much else as i dont kno your girlfriend, but you got no option but to trust her really,
I mean its not as if she flirts back or anything is it?
Reply 12
My best friends are guys but I'd never go with any of them, I'm perfectly happy with my boyfriend. My best best friend (T) is male and we are very close, I see him like I see my brothers and we are always together. My boyfriend is fine with this as he trusts us and T is probably his closest friend so we do loads as the 3 of us.

Trust what your girlfriend says, even if they fancy her it doesn't mean she likes them back. If her friends are anything like mine, you don't want to get on the wrong side of them, mine are really protective (v.annoying sometimes!) and would kill my boyfriend if he ever hurt me.
If your girlfriend had alot of friends who were male and some clearly fancy her, they spend alot of time with each other but she says they are just good friends and she is happy with you.

I wouldn't be too bothered, because I've always completely trusted the girls who I've been out with - generally the girls I've been out with have had close male friends who I'm sure might have fancied her, but nothing happened as we were in a loving, trusting, contented relationship - c'est tout. I wouldn't worry about it.
I have a lot of guy friends, but I don't get any indication that any of them fancy me. I spend a lot of time with my best boy buddy and my boyfriend doesn't mind. :smile: I guess it all depends on how much you trust her
Reply 15
All my best friends are male. Literally all of them. Well actually technically I have one female best friend from home, and now i'm at uni i live with a flat of girls... so they're lovely n all. But from home I would say that the 15 people i'm closest too are ALL men. Honestly no problem with it, i just find guys a lot easier to hang out with
If she was friends with them before she met you, she could have got involved with them then; the fact that she's going out with you and is just friends with them speaks volumes.
Reply 17
i know that being a little possessive is something that quite a few men are, but you need to learn to trust her. hopefully she will repay your trust with honesty and tell you if anything ever happened.
Reply 18
try to trust your gf, and be warey of the lads.. i found with my bf and at the end of college, some of his close 'girly' friendss were making moves on him because they wouldn't have another chance.. i *think* he wouldn't cheat.. but sometimes i'm not sure.. he talks about other girls quite a bit.