The Student Room Group
Reply 1
you can't quantify such things, when prevalent typical behaviours and emotions are different in the two. Both are equally complex and different.
Reply 2
Oops!!! I Put Vd Instead Of Vs - Mods Can You Change It???
Reply 3
None of the options. Depends on the person more than their sex alone.
He means on average, and the answer is girls, by some considerable way.
Reply 5
Reply 6
He means on average, and the answer is girls, by some considerable way.

oh have i taught you nothing? :wink:

i agree with the majority here, i cant answer, its impossible to say. each sex is as complicated as the other. before i grew up i would have said boys, while i was growing up i would have said girls, but then i actually grew up and realised we are as simple or complex as we want to be, especially in relationships. regardless of sex.
both are equally complicated in different ways. HAH! :P
Reply 8
Since when are boys complicated ??
boys are the simplest form of life on earth, girls are complex, strange, difficult to understad...

that explains why those books about : "understanding women" are sold so well, :smile:
(i suppose it also depends on the girl though)
Reply 10
If every girl was lined up in order of complex.. and the same was done for boys :p:
well the simplest girl would still be more complex than the simplest boy, same for most complex and along the line.. :biggrin:
Its equal.

Unless you're talking biology, then I'm sure you could get a tangible answer. :confused: