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Reply 1
your doctor/family planning nurse will know best....unless there is someone on here who has tried every single pill...
Reply 2
I think any contraceptive pill you go on will help you with bad menstrual symptoms. I'm on Yasmin, I never get PMS any more and my periods are quite light with a little bit of pain, compared to what I had before it's heaven! I was on Microgynon before and the effect wasn't quite as dramatic, nevertheless it was still there!
Reply 3
I was on Microgynon, and it really helped, but I have heard some people say it makes them sick. Now I'm on the pill so I don't take Microgynon any more; the pill controls it (although it might be I've grown out of bad periods).
yasmin is generally not given at first. they'll more than likely stick you on microgynon 30 unless you ask specifically.

Yasmin is aimed at younger types, and is thought to prevent weight gain, but is sliiightly mroe associated with kidney problems, so I think the best thing you can do is give a really accurate medical history when the doc asks you questions to make sure you're not given one which could put you more at risk of things that have been around in your family.

I've experienced the kidney problems related to Yasmin and they aren't very nice. I took it for 7 days and then started urinating so much blood I though I might die (luckily the problems ended as soon as I stopped taking it). Unfortunately my doctor didn't warn me about any of the related kidney problems or ask about a family history or even personal history of kidney problems. Still if you are careful about your medical history and actually need a pill with a diuretic effect to combat bloating it probably is a good choice of pill as I am sure my problems were pretty rare. Just discuss it carefully with your doctor as Lessthanthree suggested and possibly you might want to try the standard issue pill first to see if this helps you enough.
Reply 5
I was on Microgynon, and it really helped, but I have heard some people say it makes them sick. Now I'm on the pill so I don't take Microgynon any more; the pill controls it (although it might be I've grown out of bad periods).

Microgynon IS the pill :confused: I assume you mean you're on a different one now.
Reply 6
Everyones different, a lot of my friends are on the pill and for example a particular pill that got rid of my friends pmt made mine worse, so your doctor is the best person to ask. If you feel like your pmt isnt improving after you've been on that particular pill for a while then go back and try a different one. Theres loads around so one of them will work.
Reply 7
microgynon is awful tbh. everyone i know who's been on it says so. i'm on dianette, it's amazing, but you have to have reasonably bad skin to go on it
Reply 8
everyone i know (including myself) has had no problems with microgynon. In fact ive never heard it called awful...
Reply 9
everyone i know (including myself) has had no problems with microgynon. In fact ive never heard it called awful...

I've been on it for 8 months or so now and I've had no problems. I know some people who really don't get on with it and have had to change, but they wouldn't keep making it if people didn't want to use it!
microgynon is awful, it makes me feel sick for the rest of the day when I take it.
Reply 11
it made me put on weight, suffer from worse moodswings, and made my skin considerably worse. oh and you don't actually have a sex drive for about 6 months

and the same happened to many of my friends

they just put you on it first cause it's the lowest dosage
Reply 12
it made me put on weight, suffer from worse moodswings, and made my skin considerably worse. oh and you don't actually have a sex drive for about 6 months

and the same happened to many of my friends

they just put you on it first cause it's the lowest dosage

YOU might not have had a sex drive, I and many others have been perfectly fine with it :rolleyes: so don't make generalisations like that. I did put on some weight but that's controlled now, and the only other side effect has been to make my boobs grow a bit.

And they put you on it first because it's cheapest, all the others are roughly similar dosage. Think about it - if the extra hormones are causing the side effects, how is increasing the amount you're taking going to make it better?
Reply 13
well they're all varying amounts of hormones each, because they all work different ways

in fact we were having a discussion about this last night. all of the people who HAD been on microgynon said that they had had problems with it

yeah it works with some people, but with many it doesn't

oh and me and at least 5 of my friends lost it when we went on it. however it's just something you have to expect with the pill

they don't just make a fat book of side effects for entertainment purposes. it's so that people are aware of the effects it can have on your body.
Reply 14
I've been on microgynon for 9 months, and have had no bad effects from it whatsoever. So no, it's not bad for everyone.
The only thing that's different is that my periods are 100 times better lol. :smile:
Reply 15

in fact we were having a discussion about this last night. all of the people who HAD been on microgynon said that they had had problems with it

yeah it works with some people, but with many it doesn't

And you're basing this on 5 people?


oh and me and at least 5 of my friends lost it when we went on it. however it's just something you have to expect with the pill

umm...not true. i've never 'lost it' and if i did i'd switch to a different one..they don't all make you 'lose it'
Reply 16
well they're all varying amounts of hormones each, because they all work different ways

in fact we were having a discussion about this last night. all of the people who HAD been on microgynon said that they had had problems with it

yeah it works with some people, but with many it doesn't

oh and me and at least 5 of my friends lost it when we went on it. however it's just something you have to expect with the pill

they don't just make a fat book of side effects for entertainment purposes. it's so that people are aware of the effects it can have on your body.

Actually, they're not - a lot have similar doses. The difference is that they use different synthetic hormone analogues:

Microgynon: Ethinylestradiol & Levonorgestrel
Dianette: Ethinylestradiol & Cyproterone acetate
Yasmin: Ethinylestradiol & drospirenone.

Some people react better to certain hormone analogues than others, hence different overall side effects.

ALL versions of the contraceptive pill have side effects booklets, I'm not quite sure what you're trying to get at there.
Reply 17
no but my point is, every pill has it's side effects. more people suffer from the side effects on one pill than others. my main point is, dont go onto a pill not expecting them to happen. and be prepared to swap between brands

and yes i'm basing some of this this on a mininum of 5 people in a small conversation in my allgirls common room. so? it isn't like 5 people out of everyone i know. it's 5 people out of several people i know. i'm only giving advice based on what i know. as the front page says, we're not NHS direct. it's only personal advice. and my personal knowledge is that generally the majority of girls i know were unhappy with microgynon, but happy with yasmin.

also, i know for a fact they use different dosages. when i went to get my repeat prescription of dianette, i was told that i should be weaned off it, as, due to the high hormone levels in comparason to other pills, the risk of blood clots are increased
Reply 18
no but my point is, every pill has it's side effects. more people suffer from the side effects on one pill than others. my main point is, dont go onto a pill not expecting them to happen. and be prepared to swap between brands

I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that. What I am disagreeing with is you saying that because YOUR sex drive fell on microgynon, this means that EVERYONE will have the same. Saying something like "I had this, so it might happen to you" is a lot more accurate and less controversial than "oh and you don't actually have a sex drive for about 6 months."

also, i know for a fact they use different dosages. when i went to get my repeat prescription of dianette, i was told that i should be weaned off it, as, due to the high hormone levels in comparason to other pills, the risk of blood clots are increased

They do use slightly different doses, and Dianette is a particular exception because it has very high progestogen levels (for its anti-androgenic actions rather than for contraception), but the main variations in side effects are caused because of the difference in hormone analogues used.
Reply 19
yes but not just mine. quite a number of people i know have had it happened to them. and perhaps it hasn't happened to anyone else who's replying, but that doesn't mean it can't be a common problem?