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Reply 1
The News of the World site says that Oaten asked his rent boys humiliate and degrade him.

" Then he said he wanted us to degrade him." The naked MP then got the rent boys to humiliate him with a bizarre sex act too revolting to describe."

So any guesses ? Did they pee on him ? :redface:

Oh, they probably did a lot worse...

I just hope there wasn't any nails, or indeed sandpaper, involved.

Do people actually pay money for humilation ? :eek:

You live quite a sheltered life, don't'cha?

But fair play to Mark - if you're going to pay a rent boy for sex, you might as well get your money's worth.
Reply 2
thats some nasty stuff man y even talk about that dude
Its the News of the World... for them, "too revolting to discribe" is probably a male blowjob. Or maybe he made them read his policy statements...
Reply 4
Do people actually pay money for humilation ? :eek:

Yep, especially politicians as the theory goes. Being in positions of power, they tend to be into more extreme stuff to get them off, especially having power taken away from them.

They did that storyline in Sex and the City for goodness' sake. Carrie dated a politician who wanted her to pee on him?
Do people actually pay money for humilation ? :eek:
My sides ache as though God was using me as an accordion.


How could it possibly be worse? :confused:
Peeing on him many times?


Crazy Mongoose
Its the News of the World... for them, "too revolting to discribe" is probably a male blowjob. Or maybe he made them read his policy statements...
For the News of the World, "too revolting to describe" simply means one of the rentboys was Asian. Or Sven-Göran Eriksson.
Reply 6
It's The News of the World, so it's probably not true.
Reply 7
How could it possibly be worse? :confused:


Or if you want your mind unsullied then I strongly recommend you don't...

(Seen 'Not another Teen movie'?)
"The news will stun his party, already reeling from leader Charles Kennedy being forced to quit over his secret drinking AND yesterday's revelation that House of Lords Lib Dem leader Tom McNally was also an alcoholic"

"When he arrived we put on a show for him. I started having sex with my boyfriend on the bed then Oaten stripped and began pleasuring himself. Then he said he wanted us to degrade him." The naked MP then got the rent boys to humiliate him with a bizarre sex act too revolting to describe."

"The scandal exposes Oaten as a hypocrite. Last year he CONDEMNED a judge who was sacked for hiring rent boys.
And he has no qualms about using family values to further his career. His website boasts he is a family man who lives with them in his constituency"

The above quotes show what the LIBERAL party is really like, he should be ashamed to ever walk into the commons again.
They do not show what the Liberals are like. They show what one Liberal was like on one occasion.

One might just as well argue that John Major's hypocrisy is typical of the Conservatives.
Agent Smith
They do not show what the Liberals are like. They show what one Liberal was like on one occasion.

One might just as well argue that John Major's hypocrisy is typical of the Conservatives.

well if you read, its 3 libs exposed in a short space of time and there could be many more which we dont know about. Also the party are opportunists who just attack the govt on these issues then behave badly themselves. All you ever here from them is criticism on something or another, nothing positive.
Reply 11
We're starting to see a different side of the Lib Dems! After Charles "just another wee dram" Kennedy and Paddy Pantsdown we get Mark Oaten who has an interest in young men and John Hemming who claims to have had 26 mistresses during his marriage. You never know, now that they're starting to act like humans they might win some votes.
Reply 13
I think its revolting.

However, why is what he does in his private life anyone's business?


As far as some members of the Labour party having the audacity to comment on someone's private life and somehow relate that to their political career are reminded that Tony Blair LIED to parliament and took this country to war on false premises. Those who live in glass houses don't throw stones at others.
Pretty much like the labour party then, huh?

huh? yeh u are confused, who do we criticise..ourselves????? If you ever watch any debates or interviews or even pmq's you'll see TB makes positive statements and policies but its only when the tories/lib dems attack them on stupid grounds he reminds them what their record/position is.
john williams
well if you read, its 3 libs exposed in a short space of time and there could be many more which we dont know about. Also the party are opportunists who just attack the govt on these issues then behave badly themselves. All you ever here from them is criticism on something or another, nothing positive.
Yes, actually there's a whole secret army of deviant Liberals just waiting to overturn every moral standard on God's Earth the instant they get into power. And historically, criticising the government is what the Opposition is supposed to do, even though the modern Conservatives don't do so half as often as they should. As a result, we have to instead.
Reply 16
To be honest, the fact that one front bencher ****ed a rent boy doesn't put me off wanting a 50% top rate.

Most sensible, rational, and mature people can see past things like this to the issues that matter.

Oh wait, we're talking about the readersip of the NOTW aren't we...
Shouldn't say things like that to the Conservatives. For the 21st Century Tories, personality is everything and policies are nothing. Hence the David Cameron glitz campaign - for it to work, they desperately need to keep politics based on the individual and not on the party or indeed the people.
Being in positions of power, they tend to be into more extreme stuff to get them off, especially having power taken away from them....Carrie dated a politician who wanted her to pee on him?

Then I could make a lot of money and have fun by offering to humiliate politicians ! :biggrin:
I wouldn't be prepared to pee on them :redface: , but I would be delighted to spit on them for a hundred pound a go.. :biggrin:

Heck there are people on TSR who work as lap dancers, so why couldnt I make a fortune as a spitter-on-politicians !
Reply 19
id pee on them if they paid me enough