The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i have acquired them on my left hand: although i don't really use this hand to do anything important such as writing, its still annoying me!

how do i get rid of them?

you've got the blister because you've damaged the skin underneath it... the blisters just your body trying to protect it while your skin heals.
basically, just leave it alone, it'll go down when its ready to. Though if it's really annoying you that much, you could pierce it with a clean needle, drain away half of the fluid and cover it with a plaster...
Reply 2
You can not get rid of blisters really.
If you that bothered heat up a knife on a stove until its red hot and touch your blister with it for around 10 seconds.
They will grow up back anyway.
Reply 3
should i put some like moisturizing cream on it?
Reply 4
should i put some like moisturizing cream on it?

no :smile:

maybe some antiseptic cream if it bursts, but putting moisturiser on it wont help