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How many girls wear pantyliners (not sanitarytowels but the ones for when you are not on)?
Reply 1
Sometimes. Depends if I can afford to buy them. They are quite good when you are unsure of your menstrual cycle and not sure when you are going to start/finish your period.
Reply 2
How many girls wear pantyliners (not sanitarytowels but the ones for when you are not on)?

i do - but thats coz i get v. minor breakthrough bleeding from my pill so I wear them all the time as the bleeding is irregular and can happen on any day!
Reply 3
I do.

I'm pretty discharge-y at most times of the month.
Reply 4
I do.

I'm pretty discharge-y at most times of the month, really.
Reply 5
I do.

I'm pretty discharge-y at well, most times of the month.
I do - all the time :smile:
Reply 7
I do... my cycle is so irregular, it just gives you extra time to get to the nearest toilet!
Reply 8
I used to all the time but got a bad itch that lasted a couple of days once and mum said it's because "everything needs to breathe" and wearing them all the time is not good. :smile: So now I only do when I'm close to my period and when I've got a tampon in.
Reply 9
I do.

I'm pretty discharge-y at well, most times of the month.

me too..

plus i wear black pants, and the discharge doesn't look very nice, or feel very nice after a few hours... meh.
Reply 10
I probably should have said this when I posted the first time but hey! - to the OP why is this thread offence but its not exactly why the anon function was invented and misuse may lead to it being removed.......
Reply 11
I probably should have said this when I posted the first time but hey! - to the OP why is this thread offence but its not exactly why the anon function was invented and misuse may lead to it being removed.......

what is the anon function for?
Reply 12
what is the anon function for?

well what do you think?
Reply 13
posting anonymously - but what i mean is it to save yourself from embarrassment or say something you wouldnt be able to say otherwise? What I mean is why is it misuse to use it for pantyliner discussion? What discussion is the anon function appropriate for?
Reply 14
posting anonymously - but what i mean is it to save yourself from embarrassment or say something you wouldnt be able to say otherwise? What I mean is why is it misuse to use it for pantyliner discussion? What discussion is the anon function appropriate for?

but how is posting if anyone uses pantyliners embarassing? well the anon function is appropriate say for posting about situations that may involve other posters or people who regualrly read this site....
Reply 15
sorry for seeming like an idiot i just wanted to clarify.... :cool:
Reply 16
sorry for seeming like an idiot i just wanted to clarify.... :cool:

s'ok :smile:

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