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(although Oxons gets less action than Catanbs)
Reply 2

(although Oxons gets less action than Catanbs)

That's what I've heard, but it doesn't make sense to me- why not? Surely the scientists can't be hornier when there's less good looking people around?

Reply 3
It's all about the Cambridge Compscis :biggrin: :p:

Reply 4
I've herd Cam attracts all the scientists, hence not so attractive, but that's probably wrong. .

:eek: Excuse me! And what exactly is so unnatractive about scientists? And I'm voting Oxford not because I have any idea, but just out of sheer hope.
In the survey, done back in 2001, the results were that Oxford were just plainly rubbish. Didn't get laid much, weren't very adventerous in bed and didn't do too well for 'romance'. Sure, it's time for a new survey, but judging by what people say who are in Oxford - I think it still rings true.
Reply 6
I've seen bits of threads with things in, but not an actual definite opinion. So you're gonna have to generalise hugely here, but which University do you think has the hottest students? I've herd Cam attracts all the scientists, hence not so attractive, but that's probably wrong. Poll will follow.

Scientists are unattractive? Um what?
Reply 7
Scientists are unattractive? Um what?

Yeah, I didn't make that up. I read it somewhere, so was just re-itterating what has been said. However, having known a few scientists, that is definitely not true. But some people believe it to be so.
Scientists are unattractive? Um what?

Probably something to do with the different shape of (and larger) brain :wink:

And there are definitely more than a few science departments that are well known for harbouring typically less than attractive students.
Reply 9
Popa Dom
And I'm voting Oxford not because I have any idea, but just out of sheer hope.

pointless thread, only generating a competiton between two pretigious universities that will never end...Oh well...
Reply 11
In the survey, done back in 2001, the results were that Oxford were just plainly rubbish. Didn't get laid much, weren't very adventerous in bed and didn't do too well for 'romance'. Sure, it's time for a new survey, but judging by what people say who are in Oxford - I think it still rings true.
People complain for complaining's sake most of the time.

I have no complaints with the quality of Oxonian women.


pointless thread, only generating a competiton between two pretigious universities that will never end...Oh well...
better than another Ivy vs. Oxbridge debate :rolleyes:
Reply 12
Yeah, I didn't make that up. I read it somewhere, so was just re-itterating what has been said. However, having known a few scientists, that is definitely not true. But some people believe it to be so.

Well, I've only been to Oxford twice and haven't noticed any discernable difference.

There ARE some scientists who are not v attractive, but there are also lazy arts students who never get out of bed, smoke all day and don't wash, if we're going to make generalisations :wink:
Reply 13
Scientists are not un-attractive .. it's just that non-scientists are more attractive :biggrin:
People complain for complaining's sake most of the time.

I have no complaints with the quality of Oxonian women.


better than another Ivy vs. Oxbridge debate :rolleyes:

lol yeah I guess :smile: But some time soon it's gonna be something like: who gets drunk faster?
Reply 15
Me! :d
I don't think either of Oxbridge have anything to shout about when it comes to talent. If you get out and see what other unis have on offer... well... you just feel like you've gone to the Playboy or Playgirl heaven (comparitively)
Reply 17
Well, I've only been to Oxford twice and haven't noticed any discernable distance.

but didn't you meet an unbelievably attractive (yet tragically for female kind as a whole - taken) Oxford geeky scientist? :wink: :biggrin:

President_Ben, any particular other universities in mind?
in terms of visits mine have been mostly to Imperial/UCL & ahem.. but limited sample, undoubtedly!
Reply 18
but didn't you meet an unbelievably attractive (yet tragically for female kind as a whole - taken) Oxford geeky scientist? :wink: :biggrin:

President_Ben, any particular other universities in mind?
in terms of visits mine have been mostly to Imperial/UCL & ahem.. but limited sample, undoubtedly!

Sorry, typo on my part - I meant difference (corrected now).

And yes, I did meet a very lovely geeky Oxford scientist, but then I know a very attractive (but also, tragically, taken :wink:) Cambridge Physicist :p: and a fair number of other quite nice ones...

The Most Beautiful Man in the World is at UCL though :redface:

President_Ben, any particular other universities in mind?
in terms of visits mine have been mostly to Imperial/UCL & ahem.. but limited sample, undoubtedly!

Imperial is the pits. (no offense to my mates at Imperial!)

UCL on the other hand is pretty decent. Nothing to write home about though.

Bristol, Leeds, Nottingham... they are :cool: