The Student Room Group

Nottingham Vet School

I know its been discussed in other threads, but I thought it might be nice to know what everyone really thinks. So- what’s your view- is Nottingham Vet School a good or a bad thing??

For me at least, I like it because it’s close to where I live, and you get your books paid for- and it’s much cheaper than living in London. :wink:

However- I am slightly put off by the fact that it is a “new” vet school, and there will be problems- I don’t know- with like people have, said referral cases, or perhaps even the course content. That’s the thing I suppose- it is an unknown quantity and I really don’t think I’d consider going there.

So what do you all think????

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Reply 1
The *main* problem will happen in 5 years time, when 100(or however many) new vets graduate - So competition for jobs will be higher, and there will possibly be more graduates than jobs available, whichis annoying!!!

AND nottingham is trying to "steal" other vet schools lecturers(cough-rvc-cough)....hmmm...
Reply 2
will there be more or less people applying to this place because its new, by the way?
Reply 3
Its pretty similar i think, possibly a bit less but i don't think its a significant difference
Reply 4
I thought that the Nottingham course sounded really interesting and I'm sure that it will be a success. Its just a bit of a shame that its the only school that hasn't offered me an interview!
Reply 5
yeh i didnt get an interview either for it chairbear...would be handy too being grad students the fees are so low!!

i think the reason is possibly that so many graduates have applied because of the low way as many apply for the others as no way of paying it...

well. thats what i telling myself!

ive applied

edinburgh - interview mid feb
liverpool - interview 1st feb
glasgow - heard nothing - not a good sign
nottingham - rejection

Reply 6
edinburgh - unconditional
nottingham - rejection
bristol - interview this week
rvc - interview next week

Dredding the next interview!

AND nottingham is trying to "steal" other vet schools lecturers(cough-rvc-cough)....hmmm...

steal is a bit harsh, surely! Nottingham must be offering better pay (it seems to be loaded, what with all the free money it's throwing around).

To be honest, I'm really curious about Nottingham - its such a good university, practically the best at everything else it does, so why should veterinary be any different? But at the same time, it'll be SO new when we get there. Just going to interview at Ed and having a look round really showed me how little facilities Nott will have when the first intake get there... a little worrying.
Reply 8
Nottingham = bad bad bad!!!
1)why do we need another 100+graduates in five years time - who cant actually practice as a vet as it stands at the minute?!
2)maybe in 5 years time it will be ok as a vet school but to be the first year through would be horrendous - they wont have a clue what they are doing and there is nobody in other years to help you (academic parents are a god send)
3)With all this money that they are chucking around - wouldnt they be better off spending it on the facilities etc?
4)They might say that they are making it really practical from the start but there is only so much that they can do as they have to stick to the RCVS guidelines and everyone has to be taught the same common ground
5) need i carry on???
Reply 9
Notts uni have got a very good reputation and on paper the course sounds great! The research facilities are outstanding, they have links with several great practices in the area, but.... Am reserving judgement until I have been for an interview and have had a look around.If I had the option (i.e not old and grey) I would defer entry til next year! 1st lot of vet students are running a great risk however you look at it! Bit scary thinking of all that hard work, all those years and all that a guinea pig. :eek:
Reply 10
If I had the option (i.e not old and grey) I would defer entry til next year!

Are you a 'mature' student too?
Reply 11
Yes I am "mature". Will be 25 by the time the courses start.... Would therefore be great if I could go to Notts as I already have a "settled" life here. Oh well it would do me good to rattle those old bones I supose... :rolleyes:
I applied to Notts and have an interview coming up but i don't want to go there mainly for the reasons people have already stated i.e its a new course and i don't want to be the first year.

I think it just makes more sense to go to a "safe" uni for Vet, which is already well established. I'm not saying that in a few years time it won't be just as good as the others, but at the mo it is unchartered territory.

On the plus side thuogh the course does look good and a bit different, and the financila side is definaelty something to think about!
To be honest, Notts will be as 'safe' as any other uni. They've put a lot into this and they can't afford to fail - they have a very good reputation to uphold apart from anything else. Personally I think it will be pretty fun to be part of the first year, and when I've raised doubts about it with vets they have always said the same thing. ALso, as I have said elsewhere, employers don't seem to be bothered by it - I've talked to people who will be just as happy to employ Notts grads as those from other unis.

Plus, they're not stupid - they're not going to start a course where the graduates won't be able to find employment. Notts are pretty proud of their 'graduates in employment 6 months after graduating' statistic. I know the RCVS has raised concerns, but I'm sure they'll have thought it through pretty thoroughly.

I notice it is mainly the current vet students being negative about it. Worried Notts grads will be stealing your jobs? :p:

At the end of the day, if people applying this year only get an offer from Nottingham, who is going to turn it down? And if other people don't want to go there, then there are more places for everyone else. :biggrin:

And I'm only a little bit biased cos I went there...honest. :wink:
I disagree with you. No matter how much money they spend or how guaranteed i still think its good to stick with an established vet school. vets perceive different vets schools differently as it is, and somehow i doubt that nottingham graduates will fare as well as others although of course noone knows at this stage. i personally only applied there because i thought it would be easier to get in than the other vet schools, but having received two offers already, i turned down the interview because i have no intention of going there. plus nottingham is notorious for the amount of crime. Maybe theyll pay for your books, but with fees and student debt mounting as high as they are, i dont want to risk finding it harder to get a job when i graduate.
Nottingham = No Way. Basically it is a way for Nott'm to cash in on all you little girlies out there who couldn't get into the 'safe' vet schools but want to scamper into the RCVS under the radar. I hope I am a partner in a practice when Nott'm starts to chuck out their unruly mob of failures. I will say: Nottingham? On your bike girly.
Fair enough - it's your opinion after all. But people should stop with the 'violent city' excuses.. It's fine - I didn't even know anyone who was a victim of a violent crime the whole time I was there. A lot of my friends from uni have continued living there after graduation, so I guess they can't feel too threatened. :rolleyes: Just don't be a member of a gang or involved in drugs..or walk around known bad areas at night.

The campus is lovely - huge and green. You'd almost never know you were even in a city. And Sutton Bonington, which is where the vet school will be, is 10 miles away in the Leicestershire countryside.
Nottingham = bad bad bad!!!
1)why do we need another 100+graduates in five years time - who cant actually practice as a vet as it stands at the minute?!
2)maybe in 5 years time it will be ok as a vet school but to be the first year through would be horrendous - they wont have a clue what they are doing and there is nobody in other years to help you (academic parents are a god send)
3)With all this money that they are chucking around - wouldnt they be better off spending it on the facilities etc?
4)They might say that they are making it really practical from the start but there is only so much that they can do as they have to stick to the RCVS guidelines and everyone has to be taught the same common ground
5) need i carry on???

Totally agree with everything you said.

Why the UK needs ANOTHER vet school, when it already has 6 underfunded vet schools, I do not know :rolleyes:
Fair enough - it's your opinion after all. But people should stop with the 'violent city' excuses.. It's fine - I didn't even know anyone who was a victim of a violent crime the whole time I was there. A lot of my friends from uni have continued living there after graduation, so I guess they can't feel too threatened. :rolleyes: Just don't be a member of a gang or involved in drugs..or walk around known bad areas at night.


HERE HERE!!!! Nottingham (and certainly Sutton Bonington) is a lot safer than some places!
sooooooooo many people have told me not to touch it with a barge pole!!

for me, it's not that it's not recognised yetm cos it will be, but the first intake will be complete guinea pigs. If they discover they've missed out some aspects of the course or run out of time or whatever, it's going to affect at least your degree, if not your future career, which isn't good!!

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