The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I've read through the book a few times but it just doesn't seem to be sinking in! I can't wait to move onto the next topic, I'll be doing 'Mammalian Physiology and Behaviour' I'm hoping it will have a fair bit of zoology in it-I love zoology! Does anyone have any further knowledge of the 'Mammalian Physiology' module?

I suggest you consider your learning strategy before moving onto any other fields of study.

A science book can not be read. It has to be studied.
Reply 2
i am scared of biology central concepts!!!! lol, i am dreading it. got chemistry 2morrow :eek:
i am in the same boat as Lucy i am doing Mammalian Physology & Behaviour as my next module but dont care atm about that. I think we are going to have a nasty exam paper the June 05 was SO nice i got an A in that as my mock, but this one i think its going to be alot of ecology i HATE that topic, its SO boring

Good Luckl everyone, will be on after the exam to see whatr everyone thought and the answers they got as well lol
erm, i havent actually started revising for it yet. :frown:

got a maths c4 exam this afternoon and after that i'll revise for it!! i know its hte worst plan in the history of the world but oh well! :s-smilie:
Reply 5
man o man, I hope we all do okay tomorrow.... :s

My next module is 'Growth and Development'....grrr...I'm sick of darn reproduction!!!! ><