The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Bonjela is great when your gums hurt ie when you're teething..

i don't know much about teeth to be honest but when youre wisdom teeth are coming through is the pain not coming from the nerves and stuff instead? Therefore bonjela wont do a lot?

If your suffering with pain just take some ibuprofen oooh and i always find a hot water bottle works as well because sometimes it can give you a bit of ear ache :smile:
How exactly do you fit a hot water bottle in your mouth?
Reply 3
was wondering that one myself
it's the gum that hurts at the moment. the top's gone all raw cause it's being stretched or something. psssh
Reply 4
Lol! I didnt mean put it in your mouth hehe :biggrin:

I meant like if your teeth hurt at night then put it under your pillow and lay on the side which hurts and the warmth makes the pain not feel as bad.. :smile:
Reply 5
oooo safe
or i could stick one of those period pad things to the side of my face haha