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Of course they'd all work. The fact that you felt the need to post anonymously speaks volumes.
Reply 2
Consider the following combinations:
1) Asian Male + White Female
2) White Male + Asian Female
3) Oriental Male + White Female
4) White Male + Oriental Female
5) Black Male + White Female
6) White Male + Black Female

Would the following work? Are some more likely than others?

each of them is as likely to work as the other if you exlucde the outside influences of others. Its only when you get the religious/racial opinions form toehrs that it becomes complicated
Reply 3
Why wouldn't they work? My boyfriend is asian, we've been together 2 1/2 years and couldn't be happier!
Reply 4
I'm black, my boyfriend is white. Culturally i have more in common with him than some of my black friends. Our biggest difference? Our music taste. People are people. Why did you post this anonymously?
why not? so long as the relationship is strong enough to withstand external pressures and prejudices from other people it's just the same as any other relationship. i should parents have been married 20 years.
Reply 6
they'd work. mine's still working a year after
many relationships are successful.
very many fail.

ethnicity is irrelevant.
Reply 8


Oh dear, what another pointless thread...No need for anonymous posting as well
Reply 10
of course they would work! its like asking if someone with glasses would be alright going out with someone without
well, not really. culture can and probably will affect a realtionship. this is what is important, not race, although they are very often linked. Its wrong I think, to dismiss the effect differing cultures can have, but its also wrong to assume the effect will be negative. My boyfriend is Taiwanese. I am white. It is obviously going to be different to going out with a white guy. But of course its only one factor out of very many which will dictate whether or not a relationship will succeed.
Reply 12
Consider the following combinations:
1) Asian Male + White Female
2) White Male + Asian Female
3) Oriental Male + White Female
4) White Male + Oriental Female
5) Black Male + White Female
6) White Male + Black Female

I think this thread is actually quite worthwhile. I think ppl don't realise that they subconsciously chose or discrimnate a potential partner by their skin colour. It's cultural factors. This is what I have noticed about the following . . .
1) hardly happens
2) i have seen this :smile:. Though at times the girl's parents might disapprove, esp. if they have a close-knit, religious background.
3) hmmm...unless the oriental male is quite westernised, it's unlikely 2 b a success.Most of these guys, particularly Chinese males, don't really understand women (only being honest from what i know!!)
4) :smile: o yeah, seen these ones worked out!
5) seen quite a lot of this esp. our generation. i think the girls are attracted to the rapper/gangster image (not being offensive btw, since i have m8s who r like that)
6) very rare occurrence. shud happen more often though.

I notice that u haven't mentioned ones between oriental male/female with black male/female. Or asians with orientals ...

3) hmmm...unless the oriental male is quite westernised, it's unlikely 2 b a success.Most of these guys, particularly Chinese males, don't really understand women (only being honest from what i know!!)

well, its been fine for us, and my bf has lived in Taiwan for most of his life. It just happens that despite our completely different upbringings at the other side of the world, we are really similar in loads of ways and get on incredibly well. He is very good at English, which of course helps, but he's not exactly westernised.

I think to say that most Chinese males don't understand women is a bit harsh!
Reply 14

I notice that u haven't mentioned ones between oriental male/female with black male/female. Or asians with orientals ...

Oriental male with black female? Could you imagine that? :rofl:
Consider the following combinations:
1) Asian Male + White Female
2) White Male + Asian Female
3) Oriental Male + White Female
4) White Male + Oriental Female
5) Black Male + White Female
6) White Male + Black Female

Would the following work? Are some more likely than others?


That is the most ridiculous question I've heard all day (and I've had 2 exams).

You could quite easily add White Male + White Female to the list and ask the same question. The only possible problems with any of those relationships would come from bigoted family members or extreme culture clashes. The fact that the two of them are in a relationship in the first place proves that their ethnic origins are not a problem for them.
Reply 16
I think this thread is actually quite worthwhile. I think ppl don't realise that they subconsciously chose or discrimnate a potential partner by their skin colour. It's cultural factors. This is what I have noticed about the following . . .
1) hardly happens
2) i have seen this :smile:. Though at times the girl's parents might disapprove, esp. if they have a close-knit, religious background.
3) hmmm...unless the oriental male is quite westernised, it's unlikely 2 b a success.Most of these guys, particularly Chinese males, don't really understand women (only being honest from what i know!!)
4) :smile: o yeah, seen these ones worked out!
5) seen quite a lot of this esp. our generation. i think the girls are attracted to the rapper/gangster image (not being offensive btw, since i have m8s who r like that)
6) very rare occurrence. shud happen more often though.

I notice that u haven't mentioned ones between oriental male/female with black male/female. Or asians with orientals ...

I don't think any of them should happen more or less often. They should happen if and when people want to be together.
Reply 17

I don't think any of them should happen more or less often. They should happen if and when people want to be together.

Ooops, looks like i've sparked off a few criticisms! Everything i wrote is based on my own personal experience and from observing people. True, it should happen when they want to be together, but what i mean is that quite a lot of white males would straight away not consider a female as a potential partner if she was black. Even if they get along really well. I heard this from a few black girl mates of mine. If u come up with anything contrary 2 that, i'll b very happy! :rolleyes:

Also, someone said that i was harsh in my judgement of chinese men. My mum's chinese, she's born in China. Believe me, she knows! they're not very romantic (only a generalisation, btw), too work orientated n their views regarding women are too traditional. It's changing though.
Reply 18
I'm biased like you, i'm black and my boyfriend is white.
Reply 19
hmm yea i think that some races tend to work better than others. like asian and white combinations tend not to work, as well as chinese and white combinations, due to the culture differences. I've noticed that the asian community are really against interracial relationships and most do not last long term. In my opinion chinese women and white men, work better than chinese men and white women because chinese women are generally more submissive and therefore the culture issues in such a relationship aren't so pressing as the male just controls it ( i may be wrong but its my observation).

I've seen lots of black women and philipino men, but i dont see the humour in chinese and black women......