The Student Room Group

love triangles!

me and my ex split 3 months ago, ( i had been with him 2 years!) i have kind of been seein a guy who i liked in school, and now i am getting feelings back for my ex!!!! so i got rid of the new guy from school, n i keep meeting up with my ex!! but now i want the new guy back! im so confused, any advice?
Reply 1
thats not a love triangle, thats u being a beeatch
Reply 2
Y is it being a beatch?? just cos i am confused!
Reply 3
think of it from their perspective? (but dont worry, you wouldnt be the first)

and love triangle requires some 3 way love from 3 people. not 2 way love from 1
Reply 4
hmmm. interesting. but they both declared their love 4 me!
Just talk to them and explain that you're confused, I suppose. It's not really fair to mess them around.
Why I love triangles.
by FiL aged 18.

Triangels are 2-simplex, and hence the simplest but also most beautiful of polygons. What they lack in verticies they make up for in diversity and versatility. Triangles can be classified according to the lengths of their sides into one of three cateogries; equilateral (and equiangular), isosceles (two sides of equal length) and scalene (all sides of different length) but also can be grouped by the size of their largest interior angle; right angle triangles having one 90o internal angle, obtuse triangles with one internal angle greater than 90o and acute angles with internal angles all smaller than 90o.

Triangles have been used to define and shape mathematics since the time of Euclid and have since given rise to a whole branch of mathematics that relate almost entirely to this most beautiful of shapes; triganometry. The schoolboy's bane, it remains one of the most fundimental and practical branches of mathematics, having uses that stretch from mechanics, to engineering, vectors, computing and of course mathematics.

And if you thought this was not exciting enough this is but a mere scratch on the surface. There are triangular numbers; a number that can be arranged in the form of an equilateral triangle ½n(n + 1). The sum of two consecutive triangular umbers is a square number:

{½n(n + 1)} + {½(n − 1)n}
=(½n2 + ½n) + (½n2 − ½n)

Even 'the number of the beast' is a triangular number.

There also exists the non-planar triangles, that is triangles in noneuclidean geometry. That is triangles in curved space; ie on a spherical surface. While regular planar triangles all have angles which total 180 degrees, in noneuclidean geometry this is not the case. This fact is made use of in this well known puzzle:
An explorer travels one mile south, one mile east and one mile northand ends up at exactly the same spot that she started from. She sees a bear. What colour is the bear?


[INDENT]If you walk North a mile, east a mile, south a mile, west a mile, what is the maximum distance you can end up from your original postition?[/INDENT]
Reply 7
Fluent in Lies
Why I love triangles.
by FiL aged 18....

OMG! :eek: I was just about to also show the proof of pythagoras' theorem! :wink:
Reply 8
Fluent in Lies

An explorer travels one mile south, one mile east and one mile northand ends up at exactly the same spot that she started from. She sees a bear. What colour is the bear?

White, my friend!

[INDENT]If you walk North a mile, east a mile, south a mile, west a mile, what is the furthest you can be from your starting point?[/INDENT]

One mile?


I'd say while you get your head around what you want, stay out of any relationship with these guys; you'll only hurt them and yourself; there's only so long they'll be willing to be juggled before they just walk away, so work out what you want, then talk it out with them.

One mile?

Nope. But lettuce not spoil the thread. Tis H&R and i fear moderation.
Fluent in Lies
Nope. But lettuce not spoil the thread. Tis H&R and i fear moderation.

answer is root 2 I think, but yes, off topic...
Reply 11
Fluent in Lies


[INDENT]If you walk North a mile, east a mile, south a mile, west a mile, what is the maximum distance you can end up from your original postition?[/INDENT]

Reply 13
You're back at your starting point. :rolleyes: Seriously people, just draw it with your finger on your desk! No maths required. :biggrin:

And yeah that's not a love triangle. I don't know what you could do princess paula (lol :p: your highness) but talk to them about it I think cos it's not fair on them.
You're back at your starting point. :rolleyes: Seriously people, just draw it with your finger on your desk! No maths required. :biggrin:

*slaps himself in the face despairingly*
Reply 15
this seems to me like a love frustum.
Reply 16
You're back at your starting point. :rolleyes: Seriously people, just draw it with your finger on your desk! No maths required. :biggrin:

Doesn't it depend like how up and down/windy the road is? heh I'm not very good at this kind of thing! :redface:

Dear OP:

I was in a similar situation 4 years ago. I was with my boyfriend of around 2 months (Guy1) when I met a guy I totally fell for (Guy2). He has such a beautiful face, was in a bad, was really sweet..etc. However, I still had feelings for Guy1. In the end, I decided to break up with Guy1 and just stay single for a while as I thought I probably wasn't ready for a relationship if I developed strong feelings for someone else, or that perhaps Guy1 wasn't right for me. So yeah, I stayed single and saw them both often (although it couldn't be helped with Guy1 as we went to the same school). Guy2 and I got quite close but never actually went out. Since breaking up with Guy1, I realised how we were actually a good match, how well he'd treated me and that I still wanted to be with him and although Guy2 was beautiful and a great guy, I couldn't see me being with him for a long time.

Anyway..moral of the story: stay single until you figure out your feelings. If they both 'love' you as you say, they will be willing to wait for you!!
Reply 17
princess paula
hmmm. interesting. but they both declared their love 4 me!

More fool them, eh?

But yeah, still not a triangle.
Reply 18
thats not a love triangle, thats u being a beeatch

Yeah, grow up little girl. And I bet your ex loves that he can meet up with you for casual sex :P

On a side note, choad: do you know what a choad is? lol.