The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I'm at Nutford House :smile:. I can't be very helpful in comparing Nutford House to any other UoL hall, as I've never been to any others. However I can give you some info and my personal opinion.

The food is average I guess. It's not as good as the food at Imperial, but it's not disgusting either. You get breakfast & dinner Monday-Friday, and brunch & dinner on Saturday & Sunday (means you can sleep in on weekends).

None of the rooms are en-suite. Most of them are singles. I'd advise against getting what they call a "small" room: the normal rooms are already quite small. If you're offered a "large" room and you can afford it, take it - they're almost double the size of some of the other rooms.

What else do you want to know about it?

The food is average I guess. It's not as good as the food at Imperial, but it's not disgusting either. You get breakfast & dinner Monday-Friday, and brunch & dinner on Saturday & Sunday (means you can sleep in on weekends).
I hope you are not comparing it to the hall food at Imperial (evening meal) as that is horrible!

May apply to Nutford, but not sure.

How many people do you share a bathroom with? Are there any kitchens? (How good are they?)
Reply 3
I'm comparing it to the food in the Main Dining Hall at Imperial.

You share a bathroom with about eight other people.

There is one kitchen per floor, so it's roughly one kitchen for 30 people. They're very basic, but that's to be expected in a catered hall. You'll find a hot plate, microwave, fridge and toaster.
Reply 4
Is it quite pretty? I'm thinking of applying there but after reading about sharing with 8 other people I'm being put off, it looked very pretty which was most def in it's favour!

Are there any particular types there?
Reply 5
I don't know about pretty. I guess it's pretty in that it's got an old style... (It's quite an old building.)

What do you mean by types?
hey, Im at Nutford House!
I do like it, you make loadsa friends and it's a good social atmosphere!
It's fine sharing bathrooms and kitchens if you're a girl just make sure the boys don't take over your bathroom because trust is not pleasant!
Erm...the walls are thin so erm...beware of bitching loudly, lol!
Any other questions...shoot
Reply 7
Yeah... the above is all true.

But the only reason some boys take over the girls' bathrooms is that some of their bathrooms are in awful condition, and/or broken or closed. :smile:
Reply 8
i know you share a boathroom with 8-10 people, but how many showers are there in a bathroom?
Im just hoping that there arent queues in the morning!
Reply 9
i know you share a boathroom with 8-10 people, but how many showers are there in a bathroom?
Im just hoping that there arent queues in the morning!

Might depend on others' sleeping habits and how early you get up. :wink:
Reply 10
Sorry I wasn't clear. You share one shower with approximately 8-10 people and one toilet with about 5 people.
Reply 11
I was curious as to what unis the students at nutford house tend to belong? I will be attending in a month with a single room.

Reply 12
I was curious as to what unis the students at nutford house tend to belong? I will be attending in a month with a single room.


Many seem to be Imperial students, as that is the closest one to Nutford.
Reply 13
My estimate is approximately 50% ICL students, maybe 15% KCL, 20% UCL. There are a few students from Birkbeck, SOAS, Queen Mary, Royal Academy of Music, etc. which make up the remaining 15%. But don't quote me on these figures :biggrin: