The Student Room Group

TOK presentation =more than 16 on oral plz post them here:)

well... i've seen many many threads asking for help with the tok presentation (including me :smile:)...the purpose of this thread is to help ppl that have no idea :confused: on what to talk about and doesn't have a topic for their oral presentation in TOK. :biggrin:
I would like to as the people who have already done their oral presentation :cool: and score more than 16 out of 20 for the presention to post their written version (or scrap notes/summary..anything :redface: ) of the presention on this thread..or mail them to me at [email protected] and i will post them for everybody ^_^!
this thread can also be use to discuss what topic is GOOD to do for the oral presentation!
:smile: :rolleyes: :cool: :p: :wink: :wink: :biggrin: :confused: :redface: :eek: :frown: :mad:

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Reply 1
Those who did a 16+ presentation will not have a written version.

Reason? A good presentation is held with the support of keywords on small cards, not with a written script. If the keywords are good, no-one other than you should be able to understand them.

I got 20/20. I'll copy my SER statement here, if that would be of any help.

My presentation dealt with misleading (purposely making other people believe something untrue) the ethical implications of misleading, and whether misleading can be ethically justified. The objective of the presentation was to make my classmates more aware of the problems of misleading, and pointing out to them how easily they can be misled.

To demonstrate my thoughts about the ‘theory of misleading’ (that there must be two people involved, that there must be a lack of knowledge among those who are mislead, and that the one that is misleading must possess some kind of authority), I started my presentation with claiming that my cooking chopsticks actually were an ancient Chinese weapon. Most of the class seemed to believe what I said, and the example proved to be an excellent attention-grabber. When I then announced the topic of my presentation, and that I had actually misled them, many seemed eager to know more about the topic. I used a simple diagram to illustrate my thoughts about the theoretical part of misleading, which helped me to communicate my reasoning in a clear and logical manner. Finally, I talked about how biased American television news reports were when reporting on the American war on Iraq, and used the findings of a survey that showed how ‘misled’ viewers of different news networks were about fundamental facts on the war. This issue seemed relevant and important to my audience, and I think it was a good example of how misleading is used practically in the media.

Since many people were eager to discuss the issue afterwards, I guess that I succeeded fairly well in making my presentation engaging and thought-provoking. In general, the presentation was well-organised. I am content with the introduction, but quite unsatisfied with the last part, which I had not worked through or practised a thoroughly as I would have wished. Initially, this part must have seemed very confusing to my audience, and I felt the need to explain it again, which took unnecessarily long time. I tried to approach the issue from two different points of view, but failed to communicate this explicitly. If I were to do this presentation again, I would work especially on making the last part more comprehensible and easier to follow.
Reply 2
so gys!!

rnt there ne1 wif more brilliant topics. i seriously need one topic as i m totally confusd. my grp is findin it hard 2 decide between aids, euthansia, female circumcision and god knows wot else. if sm1 cud help me wif topics it wud be gr8 nd i can also help da person in other things like portfolios, essays etc etcs
Reply 3
Hey. My group members and I came up with some ideas. We liked them last week, but this week they sound like a whole load of what is not right. We thought of dojng something on the HIV pandemic, something about the authenticity of statistics, as tests varied in different parts of the world, and one diagnosed somewhere might be found negative elsewhere, and then we thought we didn like that nemore. We thought of doin something on female circumcision as well, the relativity of ethical issues on it. Why it was believed to be right wherever it was performed while the rest of the world frowned at the gruesomeness of it all. Then we thought of something more stimulatin...cos these topics didnt seem to appeal to us nemore. Please help!! Tell me if u think theyre good ideas, how we might develop them, or give us fantastic ideas even...the deadline is fast approachin! many thanks!
Reply 4
Don't have a copy of my assesment with me, but I'll write a summary.
We did a mock trial based on an episode of ER in which Carter pays for an AIDS patient's medication and Kem gets annoyed with him because she thought he should fund the clinic instead.

Other ideas - things I remember being done in my class;
memory and improving memory
beauty and how we classify things as beautiful (they did stuff about face symmetry)
how we use logic to determine something (using a mastermind game!)
The cultural differences in addressing superiors/older people/teachers etc.

Can't think of anymore right now :rolleyes:
Reply 5
Those who did a 16+ presentation will not have a written version.

Reason? A good presentation is held with the support of keywords on small cards, not with a written script. If the keywords are good, no-one other than you should be able to understand them.

I got 20/20. I'll copy my SER statement here, if that would be of any help.

thx very very much for your SER statement...and yes it was helpful! :smile:
...any kind of information would me help since i have absolutely no idea on what to do :confused: :biggrin:
Reply 6
The legend
so gys!!

rnt there ne1 wif more brilliant topics. i seriously need one topic as i m totally confusd. my grp is findin it hard 2 decide between aids, euthansia, female circumcision and god knows wot else. if sm1 cud help me wif topics it wud be gr8 nd i can also help da person in other things like portfolios, essays etc etcs teacher said not to choose topics like..aids, abortion..etc...coz it's boring....cant help u much coz i dont have a topic either :p:
Reply 7
I watched a ToK presetation on if authors really are who they say they are- concentrating on 3 examples. Most memorable one was Shakespeare, apparently some Earl really wrote them- Shakespeare had too much kowledge about Italy, etc to just be some random guy whose father couldn't write. My teacher said she thought it was 20/20, and made the girl perform it for all the Ib students.
My boyfriend got 20/20 on his about The Cold War and if it's really over. Looked at South America and US influence, and the whole Ukraine thing- the pro Russia guy + fixed elections, etc. It would be good to do with the recent spy incident. It was very interesting.
Reply 8
I watched a ToK presetation on if authors really are who they say they are- concentrating on 3 examples. Most memorable one was Shakespeare, apparently some Earl really wrote them- Shakespeare had too much kowledge about Italy, etc to just be some random guy whose father couldn't write. My teacher said she thought it was 20/20, and made the girl perform it for all the Ib students.
My boyfriend got 20/20 on his about The Cold War and if it's really over. Looked at South America and US influence, and the whole Ukraine thing- the pro Russia guy + fixed elections, etc. It would be good to do with the recent spy incident. It was very interesting.

Thx so much KateSm for your ideas...i was wondering if u have any SER (self evaluation report) that u could share? (just post them or email me) :smile:
Reply 9
thnx gys!!

m rele gettin sm ideas. but today our group made our mind bout da female circumcision..relating it with hegemony nd all those thngs bout democracy and all :smile:
Reply 10
m rele gettin sm ideas. but today our group made our mind bout da female circumcision..relating it with hegemony nd all those thngs bout democracy and all

congrats that u have a topic :smile: hehehe...female circumcision..relating it with hegemony....thats sounds like a good/interesting topic :smile:
Reply 11
congrats that u have a topic :smile: hehehe...female circumcision..relating it with hegemony....thats sounds like a good/interesting topic :smile:


here are some ideas for topic...its from the tok syllabus...

The following examples, which have been found to have been effective:

What is the relationship between the natural sciences and social responsibility? Choose a single recent scientific and/or technological development as a focus and consider its ethical implications. Who bears the moral responsibility for directing or limiting development of such knowledge, and on what basis can that responsibility be justified?
How do h human sciences help us to understand many of the misunderstandings and frictions which frequently arise between groups of people? Identify a contemporary problem involving the interaction of groups (eg. Ethnic, racial, socioeconomic, or religious groups) and consider the knowledge given by psychology, anthropology and economics. In what ways can these disciplines illuminate the causes and the characteristics of the problem? In what ways might they also be relevant to possible solutions? Are there other disciplines which would increase our understanding of the particular issue?

there more ideas and topic on the syllabus..check it out! :biggrin:
Reply 12
thnx they r all xcellent ideas. i'll discuss them wif my grp members :smile:
Reply 13
hey there....since everyone here is dicussing bout their TOK Internal Presentation...let me also share my presentation....i did it in a group....and our topic was " Is the Juvenile Delinquency, that is plaguing Aceh after the tsunami, is in fact a consequence of social ignorance or individual irrationality?'.....we got a full 20/20....we included a lot of TOK in it and terms like Foundationalism.....Determinism...Interactionism....and a lot more....perhaps i could discuss a few ideas with anyone bout their TOK Presentation Topics...

WOW..u got 20/20...thats sooo good...i have to do mine soon but the teacher is sooo strict...hope i get at least 16/20 :redface: anyways..mmm do u have your SER statement that u could share with us :biggrin:
Reply 14
oh! mine waz da best in ma crap school, but to be sincere the standard of the TOK in the school has been very competitive and a proud african guy i did mine on "the legacy of colonialism in africa".i tried ma best to incorporate all the different areas of knowledge into it and the teacher had no option than to give me a 17.My advise to u is to try to use the right diction(not necesarily big vocabulary),and u should also engage the audience.also play on the ignorance of ur teacher and classmate,when necessary,then u could even get more marks than u expected.its not that hard!GOOD LUCK
Reply 15
perhaps...i could send you the part which i had to discuss....hope you find it interesting...??
Reply 16
thx a was helpful ! :smile:
Reply 17
have a short question... what is the max. number of people in a group??
Reply 18
we were 4 (total) in a group....but i dun know the limit....
yeah ... my first practice one. . my friend and I did this thing on AIDS with the LCD projector and everything ... it was ok, but i think for the next practice one, im gunna try to do something more along ethics