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I can't say I've ever measured it before to be perfectly honest
Reply 2
what the hell? i thought the labia was the lips?
Reply 3
so arent the measurements a little stingy?


are we talking length, width, what? I cant say i have ever measured my labia....


hahahaha oh my god..just reread the title of this thread! thats awful!
Reply 4
Just guessing but I'd say big to v big!
As I'm in college I couldn't exactly have a feel about or get a ruler down there lol so I had to let my imagination do the rest. Yes, I did sit there and think about how big they were and how big in comparison to say a couple of fingers and yes I got relatively horny!
this thread is a bit weird but none the less unique :smile:.. and i don't know either as its not something i've cared to observe..
Reply 6
the equivalent to measuring a guys penis is probably measure your boobs...not your 'inner labia'. :|
Reply 7
Does large labia = baggy? out of interest...
Reply 8
um ok. well ive not measured mine (nor am i about to) but they stay within the confines of my outer labia so they must be relatively short.
Reply 9
Yeh you're right, this does sound pretty weird. And pretty disgusting.
Reply 10
Small lips are better.
Reply 11
whats a labia
Reply 12
I think you should start a labia society.
Reply 13
For all those people who don't know what I'm talking about...

This is a drawn diagram of a vulva. Not everyone's looks like this. The lips I am talking about are the ones you can immediately see - the labia minora.
Oooh now I get it. :redface: And I'm a female... the shame. :rolleyes:

Right I never measured those before LOL never occured to me but now you got me interested... :biggrin:
Reply 14
oddest. thread. ever.
Reply 15
Right so this is hard. :confused: If you put a ruler next to it you go from the very bottom to the clit and then it's very big but without it's 1 or 2 cm shorter... Kinda depends where you start and end!

Good lord this is the weirdest post ever. :rolleyes:

I'll just go for the 4th option.

Hang on a sec.....did you want us to measure vertically or horizontally?
Reply 17
Oooops! I meant horizontally!!!

As in stretch the lips out sideways and then measure from the edge of the vagina out towards the inside of your legs.

Right so my vote doesn't count then. :p: I'll try that again.

Does it really matter btw? Surely the size of the labia have nothing to do with the size of, err, the inside, so it's not the same as for boys anyway.

*gets ruler and mirror out again* :biggrin: This is so weird...


Ok so that's impossible. :confused: I can't spread my legs that far, I have a 15cm ruler and it doesn't fit in horizontally!

But I think my first vote still counts...
Reply 18
No that's true to a certain extent. It's just that the images of pornstars and things in magazines often give men an unrealistic expectation of how long the labia should be.

Having been conditioned to expect cookie-cutter pink vulvas some men are surprised to find that women have long or dark or thick or ruffled labia.
That is SO true. :smile: Some really look like young girls. What is that a reply to btw?

Oh and.. *points to siggy*
Reply 19
Awww thanks hugatree!!