I've learnt more about myself, others, the world and life in general inthe last 2 years than I ever thought I could have when I was 18. Haha, 18, man, I thought I knew it all. I am now 25. Grr. Wish I were at school still. But with same income. hehe
i mean that you dont really hear the term "immature" referred to sum1 above 18, i think we r confusing the meaning of "experienced" or "knowleadgeable" with simply "mature"
i mean that you dont really hear the term "immature" referred to sum1 above 18, i think we r confusing the meaning of "experienced" or "knowleadgeable" with simply "mature"
are you so bored and sad, that you need to insult other TSR members?
do you have personal issues that you can't deal with?
i think the answer to those 3 questions are yes
And you consider yourself to be mature?
In my opinion (i know the opinion of a 16yo doesn't mean much), but throughout life everything we do just adds to our maturity, through mistakes, through success and all that psychiatric crap, but as you become older you release how stupid you were when you were younger, and think that if you could have gone back you'd have done it differently. I think thats what you mean when you feel mature, and everyone gets it.
It's not ridiculous, it's just not worth posting a thread about...