The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I will actually want to know this stuff fairly shortly, so good thread.
Isn't York pretty good, with the Centre for Medieval Studies and all?
Didn't realise Nottingham was particularly good for it, what exactly is it that makes them good? (like York has its centre and impressive faculty and Oxbridge is generally more medieval focussed eg)

Also I think most places technically say good 2.1 or 1st but obviously a 1st would probably help your application.
Reply 2
Don't forget Scotland, too- St Andrews offers an excellent taught masters in Medieval Literature.

Nottingham has some good OE specialists and I think a viking studies option or something.

York is also fab.

And of course, Symun's very on Bristol :smile:

You don't have to have a first- two people on my masters here in Oxford don't have them.

I think the key thing to remember is that it's not getting the place that's hardest- it's getting the funding.And you will need it for pg unless absolutely minted- the fees are astronomical... :eek:
i see that you mentioned a couple of your masters friends at oxford without firsts..

how did they get in (not to sound rude :smile: ) I mean it seriously, I mean what course is it?

What did they have extra curricular that made them stand out?

What was their original uni?

I'd be grateful if you replied.

Reply 4
Heh, yeh kate, Bristol has a Centre for Medieval Studies as well, and offers both an MA in Medieval Studies, and an MA in English Literature with a pathway in Middle English.

I looked at Nottingham since they offer MA Old English :eek: and MA Medieval Literature. Also, I think King's and UCL both have quite high standards for medieval literature.

Oxford - obviously, as you've been tellng me Kate, and Cambridge offers its Medieval and Renaissance PG course.

Haven't looked at York, actually, seems to have got dropped off my list.

And Scotland too! Edinburgh etc (Yes, St Andrews ditto :biggrin: )