The Student Room Group

I like this girl

I know I've already posted a thread similar to this, but I just wanted to ask something else. I sent this girl I like an email, which I really regret doing. What kind of repurcutions might I expect?

The email, did not say anything inappropriate, nor did I say that I like her. But I did drop a fairly big hint that I do, which apparently she got. I'm really beginning to wish I hadn't done it, and now I'm a little scared about what will happen next.

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Why do you regret it? Don't you fancy her anymore?
Reply 2
Why do you regret it? Don't you fancy her anymore?

I regret it because I still fancy her. It wasn't a gentlemanly thing to do.
What would have been the gentlemanly thing to do then in your opinion? If you still like her, and she's reacted in a +ve way to your email, take her out for a slap up meal (pizza hut doesn't count, I found out the hard way) and have a chat. If it goes well, then take her on a second date, say, roller skating, cinema, theatre. If it all goes pecs up then at least you won't regret not trying. :wink: Good luck fella and give her one from me.
Reply 4
What kind of repurcutions might I expect?

She might e-mail back. :rolleyes:

I don't understand what the problem is. Surely it's a good thing if she knows you like her.
Reply 5
I dunno she's a lot older than I am.


What would have been the gentlemanly thing to do then in your opinion? If you still like her, and she's reacted in a +ve way to your email, take her out for a slap up meal (pizza hut doesn't count, I found out the hard way) and have a chat. If it goes well, then take her on a second date, say, roller skating, cinema, theatre. If it all goes pecs up then at least you won't regret not trying. :wink: Good luck fella and give her one from me.

I don't know, not send an email like I did.
Reply 6
What would have been the gentlemanly thing to do then in your opinion? If you still like her, and she's reacted in a +ve way to your email, take her out for a slap up meal (pizza hut doesn't count, I found out the hard way) and have a chat. If it goes well, then take her on a second date, say, roller skating, cinema, theatre. If it all goes pecs up then at least you won't regret not trying. :wink: Good luck fella and give her one from me.

Rollerskating?! Do people really do this anymore? :toofunny:

On a more serious note, to the OP, the ball is in her court now (sorry for the cliche, it couldn't be helped). We obviously don't know the circumstances, but the only thing you could (or should) do is apologize if it was REALLY ungentlemanly and inappropriate for you to hint that you like her.
Rollerskating?! Do people really do this anymore?
Yeah sorry, ice skating seems to be the "vogue" thing to do nowadays :rolleyes:
Reply 8
Yeah sorry, ice skating seems to be the "vogue" thing to do nowadays :rolleyes:

Of course. Anything else would be unthinkable. Gotta keep up with the Johnson's, y'know. :cool:

Says the girl who is sitting here listening to a Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls playlist. Ahhh, good times. Throw in Hilary Duff and Kelly Clarkson, and I've got the least-"vogue" music playing right now.
Reply 9
Rollerskating?! Do people really do this anymore? :toofunny:

On a more serious note, to the OP, the ball is in her court now (sorry for the cliche, it couldn't be helped). We obviously don't know the circumstances, but the only thing you could (or should) do is apologize if it was REALLY ungentlemanly and inappropriate for you to hint that you like her.

Yes, that would be wisest course of action, however I hate having conversations like that. It's so embarrassing. Wouldn't a better alternative be just never to speak to her again?

Actually I'll tell you what the email said. I had this really great idea for a book, and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to write out a bit of it and send it to you. The email just basically tells the story, that was pretty much it.
Reply 10
I know I've already posted a thread similar to this, but I just wanted to ask something else. I sent this girl I like an email, which I really regret doing. What kind of repurcutions might I expect?

The email, did not say anything inappropriate, nor did I say that I like her. But I did drop a fairly big hint that I do, which apparently she got. I'm really beginning to wish I hadn't done it, and now I'm a little scared about what will happen next.

she isn't american or canadian is she ninman?
Reply 11
she isn't american or canadian is she ninman?

Canadian, lol.
Reply 12
she isn't american or canadian is she ninman?

Oh hey, that's unfair. No carrying conversations over from other threads.
Do you, or do you not fancy her?

If she didn't like you or the email then I'm pretty sure she would have told you where to get off by now. You'll only regret the things you don't do more than the things you do do in the end.
Reply 14
Do you, or do you not fancy her?

If she didn't like you or the email then I'm pretty sure she would have told you where to get off by now. You'll only regret the things you don't do more than the things you do do in the end.

I do fancy her. So you're saying a non response is a good thing?
Reply 15
Canadian, lol.

uh oh. my advice: invest in a pair of earplugs before going into anything.
Reply 16
I do fancy her. So you're saying a non response is a good thing?

Well c'mon, tell us the circumstances! You said she was older ... is there a boyfriend involved?

And I agree with Tom. But a non response could mean that she's just thinking. Is that a good thing? I don't know.
Reply 17
Oh hey, that's unfair. No carrying conversations over from other threads.

what thread might that be?
Reply 18
what thread might that be?

the bashing Americans one. But I guess since she's Canadian it doesn't really apply. Please disregard.
Yes it's a good thing, I'm saying take her out, bury yourself upto your nuts in her guts, then sit round and say grace over a roast with her family with a cheeky grin on your face.