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Is this Tinitus?

(sorry if spelt wrong lol)

Ok, I've heard that there's this ear condition called Tinitus, basically you hear ringing in your ears or something?

Anyways, last night when I was in bed, I could hear like a kind of high pitched prolonged noise in my ears, in what was an otherwise silent room. I've always had this since I can remember really, I've just never thought anything of it before now, but last night it was especially noticeable 'cause I was trying to listen out for noises outside and it was like I couldn't get passed this noise in my ears...

So does this sound like this ringing ear thing? is there any treatment for it or am I always going to have it?

Ta for any advice :smile:
Reply 1
you hear about it so you think you've got it. i'm sure if we all concentrated on just hearing we;d hear some sort of humming or whatnot.
Tinnitus does describe that noise but it only becomes a condition when it is so loud that it becomes painful. Very painful, believe me.
Reply 3
Ok, I've heard that there's this ear condition called Tinitus, basically you hear ringing in your ears or something?

Anyways, last night when I was in bed, I could hear like a kind of high pitched prolonged noise in my ears, in what was an otherwise silent room. I've always had this since I can remember really, I've just never thought anything of it before now, but last night it was especially noticeable 'cause I was trying to listen out for noises outside and it was like I couldn't get passed this noise in my ears...

So does this sound like this ringing ear thing? is there any treatment for it or am I always going to have it?

Ya got tingling down yer ears,
A high pitched noise you describe it as.
It seems vaguely like your ear is working properly.
Tinitus can be treated,
but what is the need if your ears are functioning properly?
Happy Cycling
Tinnitus does describe that noise but it only becomes a condition when it is so loud that it becomes painful. Very painful, believe me.

Oooh ok, I didn't know that it was a painful condition. My ears aren't painful or anything... I guess it's just an odd noise to hear lol.

Thanks :smile:
Ya got tingling down yer ears,
A high pitched noise you describe it as.
It seems vaguely like your ear is working properly.
Tinitus can be treated,
but what is the need if your ears are functioning properly?

I was
just curious
to hear what
other people had
to say :biggrin:

I had some ear problems as a kid - glue ear and whatnot - so I was just wondering is all :smile: there's nearly always someone on TSR that has/has had the thing you're wondering about and can reassure you!

Reply 6
Everyone gets that though don't they? I have, for as long as I can remember. Just when it's totally silent I can hear a high pitched noise. It's not tinnitus though. Haven't you ever been to a really loud club or something and come out with your ears ringing? That's closer to what tinnitus is like.
Reply 7
Happy Cycling
Tinnitus does describe that noise but it only becomes a condition when it is so loud that it becomes painful. Very painful, believe me.

That's b0llocks. It doesn't have to be painful to be classed as a condition. If it effects your hearing quality, it is a condition.
Reply 8
Mmhm, not necessairly pain associated with tinnitus.
I can sympathise with you - I've had tinnitus for as long as I can remember. As a child I always wondered why silence was actually like wind noise in my ears - I used to argue that you could hear silence. And 'wind noise' describes mine - it's kind of like static noise/roaring with a slight high pitch to it. I kind of feel robbed, and find it hard to concentrate when there's no other noise around.
There's no really effective treatment for it, I don't think, but there are always these weird homeopathic ways of reducing it - taking certain supplements, avoiding certain foods etc.

Worth noting that high pitched sounds from outside the ear can come from electrical appliances that are plugged in, even if they're not doing anything. Sadly mine stays with me no matter how far I bury my head in my pillow.
Tinnitus is where the receptor in your ear snapps i think, and is constantly sending frequencies to your brain, and so you would have this painful constant what is usually described as a ringing, whistling, buzzing or humming in your ears and may be heard in one ear, both ears or in the middle of the head, tinitus is usually caused by prolonged exposure to very loud sounds,