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Reply 1
Ive just heard on the news that a student from LMU has just committed suicide over her debt that she accumilated from her student loans...

Anyone else find this quite disturbing. :frown:

although it is disturbing...

it could never have been the only reason. Probably not even actually the main reason... although i'm sure some newspapers would have you believe it...
Yeh she obviously had some other problems, as having a student debt doesnt really mean anything and isnt going to affect you.
Reply 3
She could of been suffering Unipolar depression, had a bad breakup, failed her exams and her family died. But just because she had student debts, thats the only thing the newspapers pick up on.
Reply 4
She was obviously somewhat distressed otherwise. However, the debt may have topped it all off.

It's like saying the First World War was started by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand...
She was obviously somewhat distressed otherwise. However, the debt may have topped it all off.

It's like saying the First World War was started by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand...

And everyone knows that was wwwaayy before their first album came out. :rolleyes: sorry

It's really hard to give one reason why someone would kill themself. If one thing drives someone to suicide, it's normally a sudden, catastrophic event - a death in the family or the breakdown of a relationship. She will have known that she was going to be in debt for ages. Debt is a kind of slow-burning hassle. While it could contribute to massive depression, I think there would have to be something else to make you kill yourself.
What's most sad about a lot of apparent 'uni related' suicides is that, despite the people living in campus communities, no one notices the extent of their depression.
Reply 7
And everyone knows that was wwwaayy before their first album came out.

Lol :biggrin:

On a more serious note, its horrible when people feel that suicide is their only way out of a situation. She must have felt very alone to do that. I have suffered from depression whilst at uni, i'm lucky in that my friends were very supportive and have been there for me.
It is very sad. Having had serious depression my self, I would guess that the debt was the final straw
I'd be enormously surprised if it was just down to the money. Maybe it wasn't even down to money...has there been evidence that it was so?

It's a very sad story. There are support systems out there for depression, physical/mental health issues et al, but i dont think common (initial) response is to go for help, rather try and battle it out, which certainly does not always help or is the answer. We're quite insular beings, which can be quite unfortunate and unwise.
if its the same story i saw she had debts beyond just her student debt, and was being harrassed by the credit card companies as well
the story was used as damning evidence against credit card companies or something....

it would be horrible to be in a situation and see no way out but death :frown: that poor girl.
Reply 11
She was obviously somewhat distressed otherwise. However, the debt may have topped it all off.

It's like saying the First World War was started by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand...
Structural laten causes set of by an act of intentional agency? Heh.

But I see no need to get depressed about student loans, I mean jesus compaired to the loans we will have to pay for mortgages they are very generous. No baliffs are going to be knocking on our doors!
Reply 12
Student loans are wonderful, but she obviously was a bit silly and spent money on credit cards etc... I wonder if she had fun acquiring those debts.
Reply 13
now who will pay off her debts?
Reply 14
Surprisingly enough, debts die with the debtor if they are not covered by the debtor's estate.

If, however, you were attempting to be funny then you failed.
Reply 15
Of course given how much debt people in general are accumulating at the moment this may become a more common sight...
Reply 16
Student loans are wonderful, but she obviously was a bit silly and spent money on credit cards etc... I wonder if she had fun acquiring those debts.

you sad c***

she may have needed to borrow extra money to pay for day to day living expenses as her student loan may not have been sufficient.

Also her parents may not have been wealthy to give her money like most stuck up posh people receive from their parents
Ive just heard on the news that a student from LMU has just committed suicide over her debt that she accumilated from her student loans...(

Just being at LMU would be enough to cause severe depression...
if its the same story i saw she had debts beyond just her student debt, and was being harrassed by the credit card companies as well
the story was used as damning evidence against credit card companies or something....

it would be horrible to be in a situation and see no way out but death :frown: that poor girl.

If its the same story that I read, about a blonde girl who was about 26 I think at LMU, the story didnt actually place any blame on student loans - as clouddweller points out, it was credit cards. She did have a student loan, but came out of uni relatively ok financially - after uni she moved to loan and racked up credit cards and store cards socialising and trying to keep up with her friends. She then lost her job and couldn't keep up repayments, and so Barclays etc started with the threatening letters. :frown:

Its not a nice story at all, a warning to us all to keep a rein on our spending, but I think its wrong label her suicide as a result of student loans, and scare students. After all, they are repaid dependant on your income, so if you are sensible with your money and try not to accrue other debts such as credit cards, your student loan should never lead to this.

Poor girl, they published the letters she wrote to Barclays explaining the situation and begging for more time :frown: I worry quite a lot about money and debt, and I can only imagine what she must have been going through.
Reply 19
you sad c***

she may have needed to borrow extra money to pay for day to day living expenses as her student loan may not have been sufficient.

Also her parents may not have been wealthy to give her money like most stuck up posh people receive from their parents

There's plenty of easier ways to get money as a student - most banks offer up to £1500 as a basic overdraft to students, there's a huge number of university support payments etc. There's absolutely no need to get into the sort of debt that mounts up while at uni unless you're going out and spending willy-nilly.

Are you basically trying to tell me that just because someone died means that they are perfect? It would seem otherwise. Particularly with people who commit suicide as most have underlying mental health problems that really should've been address or discovered by someone. That's probably the real tragedy here.

Parents are obliged by law to support their children through university ACCORDING TO THEIR MEANS. If the state doesn't think that your parents earn enough to do that, then you will obviously get greater support. You can certainly live within that.

Finally, don't give me nonsense about 'stuck up posh people.' I have very little time for 'class war' types. Oh, and you do realise that a blank neg rep is completely pointless from you as you have zero rep altering power?