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Go back on it? Or a guy at school took anti-biotics for his acne... might be a possibility?
Reply 2
Go back to your doc!
Go back to your doctor.. tell him that you're unhappy again and he might put you back on the same pill... on another one or give you a non-contraceptive pill...

Did he say why you should stop taking the pill?
Reply 4
I had acne from approx the age of nine and used Minocin up till 13, it barely worked as did none of the popular acne creams and washes. I eat lots of veggies, wash my face a lot, never eat spicy/oily stuff.

I had lots of mid-month bleeding, hence she thought I should stop.


Oh and I've used Diane 35...out of curiousity is that the same as Dianette?
Why did he tell you to stop taking the pill? Is other hormonal contraception (eg. the patch / injection) still viable?
Reply 6
Thats not sad at all!! Why did your doctor tell you to come off it? Do you think he could advise another pill, to help with your complexion? Oh how are your irregular periods, now that you've come off the pill, better (ok not that you'd know a month on)? I suggest going back to the docs about it, asking them if anything can be done.

If your reluctent to go on any sort of pill: Are your zits really bad?? or just average??

If there really bad go back to the doctors, because it is a problem. If there not too bad, maybe there caused by hormonal imbalances, caused perhaps by coming off of the pill, and they may go after your skin has settled. HOWEVER im not a doctor, if they dont clear up in a while, i suggest (you guessed it) see your doctor!!
Just saw your other post. Perhaps you could ask her to try you on a different pill?
Reply 8
Why did he tell you to stop taking the pill? Is other hormonal contraception (eg. the patch / injection) still viable?

I wish I knew...this was overseas, I don't live in the UK outside term-time. I was really stressed over the weekend and am hoping it was because of that. I'm really sensitive about my face,,,mainly because I look so crap and got bullied a lot whilst at school (zitterface) and so get a bit emotional when they re-emerge.
Please excuse all the ranting. :smile:


Can I just ask my GP all this? Whilst at home you always had to see a proper gynocologist. (Excuse my ignorance. :smile: )
Reply 9
I kind of know how you feel about being sensitive about your face (i have exzema) and when i get a flare up i tend to blow it all out of proportion!!

Is it honestly really bad, or just a few??
Reply 10

Can I just ask my GP all this? Whilst at home you always had to see a proper gynocologist. (Excuse my ignorance. :smile: )

Yep, for sure. That's all part of their job. Gynaecologists are generally only for more serious issues.
Reply 11
My chin has swollen up...and my forehead is all oily. (and I washed it 5 mins ago.)
Reply 12
Can I just ask my GP all this? Whilst at home you always had to see a proper gynocologist. (Excuse my ignorance. )

Of course you can. Make sure you have all the details of the pills you have taken, since when etc.


In that case it sounds like your hormones are going abit crazy, id definatly see your GP
Reply 13
Thanks very much everyone. I'll watch them for a few more days, because as I said, I've had a hard week - and hopefully the acne will have been due to stress. I'll go to my GP, if things don't work out. :smile:
Reply 14
Do you have any creams and home to calm your skin down abit, to make you feel better till you can get to the GP? Keep your skin clean, drink loads of water, fruit, etc (im sure you know all this but hey)
Reply 15
~the one~ Yep I've previously been diagnosed with a hormonal deficiency.


Do you have any creams and home to calm your skin down abit, to make you feel better till you can get to the GP? Keep your skin clean, drink loads of water, fruit, etc (im sure you know all this but hey)

Just normal lotioney stuff...but I'm paranoid to use it, in case my cheeks/forehead flares up.
Reply 16
~the one~ Yep I've previously been diagnosed with a hormonal deficiency.

Surely your GP should do something about that?? They cant just dianose you with it and not give you anything to help treat it, or have they given you something which hasnt worked?

Mention your deficiency to the GP (in case he doesnt know, if you were diagnosed by your doc at home)
Reply 17
was it dianette? (or something similar?) i was told by my GP that because of it's structure, you're at a higher risk of blood clots (and the longer you're on the more risk obviously), so perhaps you should look into something other than that?
Reply 18
Doctors. :smile:
Reply 19
Just normal lotioney stuff...but I'm paranoid to use it, in case my cheeks/forehead flares up.

Hmm i get what you mean, sometimes creams make your skin so much worse. Anyway i'm sure you know what to do to keep your skin calm.

Good luck with the doctor, hope it clears up before then anyway. Its probably all the stress of you thinking about them!!