The Student Room Group

I'm scared of sleeping...

...literally terrified. It happens that every couple of months I'll just get so freaked out. I force myself to go to bed, I have to have layers of covers to 'protect' me have my windows and doors shut, and something just in the inside of my door so I know if someone was to walk in (like a plastic bag) Its getting worse... Anyone got any advice? It gets worse when my dad is around. He has never done anyhting to me, and wont, maybe I am insecure of males, but this if getting so annoying! I am not allowed to take sleeping pills (mum's rule) and I dont want to, but some days I am so freaked out about switching off my light then jumping into bed... Any help would be grateful felt,

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Reply 1
what part of it? the dark? the fact that youre not alert to danger?
Reply 2
You need therapy.
Reply 3
what part of it? the dark? the fact that youre not alert to danger?

I dont know - I was scared of the dark up until around 14, I dont know why, but I'm not anymore. I dont know what it is otherwise I could deal with it!

You need therapy.

Thanks, but that doesn't help. If I physically could not go to sleep then I would consider talking to someone, but at the moment I can force myself ot sleep. I dont really think therapy would help!
Reply 4
Use honey as a tranquilizer and sedative
or a nice warm glass of milk
Reply 5

Thanks, but that doesn't help. If I physically could not go to sleep then I would consider talking to someone, but at the moment I can force myself ot sleep. I dont really think therapy would help!

It doesn't sound like anything we could help with over a forum :\ anxiety disorders need professional treatment.
Reply 6
It doesn't sound like anything we could help with over a forum :\ anxiety disorders need professional treatment.

I spose, I just dont want to rush into it. I can generally control most things (when I was 16 I had a couple of panic attacks at parties, but just went upstairs and managed to control my breathing) I mean I'm compatant, I might try honey. I know it cannot be solved in a forumn - I guess I would just like a voice to listen to me as its hardly the topic to go to your mum with - I'm 17 and I cant sleep at night!
Reply 7
It doesn't sound like anything we could help with over a forum :\ anxiety disorders need professional treatment.

Damn I just forgot to reply anon. If you saw who I was please dont quote or say - I dont want my sister to read this!

Basically, I know I cannot get help over a forum - yet people can be a listening ear, I'd rather hold off going to the doctors just yet! I dont want to go to my mum and say, hey, I'm 17 and I'm scared of sleeping - its not the greatest thing in the world, I would rather just try and stop being scared. I figure a way to do this would be to (not compulsivly or anything) get into a pattern before I go to bed - a simple one - like making sure my bed is made that will make me feel 'safe' as rubbish as it sounds - it seems the best psychological method.
Reply 8
I didn't see anything :rolleyes:
Reply 9
I didn't see anything :rolleyes:

phew! :rolleyes:
Reply 10
there's a post a few pages back titled "panic attacks" which is about anxiety, and i think there are some tips on there. to be honest it's best to see your GP and they can refer you onto a specialist. talking to someone can help the problem, as you can find reasoning behind it. it probably wouldn't even be therapy, just councilling
Reply 11
Have you tried listening to some music while sleeping? Or something to get you sleepy?
Reply 12
Do you know what sets it off?? You said this happens a couple of times a month. Maybe the few times that you cant sleep, something in your room has changed, making you feel unsafe. You've figured out that closing window etc helps, whats else helps? Try to keep it there all the time.

I hope you get better.
Reply 13
Have you tried listening to some music while sleeping? Or something to get you sleepy?

To the other poster... if this doesn't get better soon, I will.

to LPK I have not tried I could - that would make sense. Once I'm in bed I dont go to sleep for around 2 hours (not cos I'm scared, just because I have a wierd brain which kinda half day dreams before going to sleep) that might help. At the moment, it is purelt psychological, as I am thinking about going to sleep.

Oh well, I'm sure it will get better, thank you for all your help so far!
Reply 14
I thought sleeping was the time of day to look forward to?
Reply 15
Do you know what sets it off?? You said this happens a couple of times a month. Maybe the few times that you cant sleep, something in your room has changed, making you feel unsafe. You've figured out that closing window etc helps, whats else helps? Try to keep it there all the time.

I hope you get better.

I cant think of anything different in my room. The night before though I had a nightmare (and dont say its childish - my night mares are fully grown, once I dreamt I had been stabbed and actually felt the pain and blood in my side, my imagination is second to none! ) the night before this happened, which makes sense. I dont like my wardrobes (but I never have done) I dont know why - it goes way back - I probably trapped myself in one as a kid or something. I tucked my bed covering in which helped, I keep my wardrobe soors shut, switch off my computer at the mains, get ready so all I do is switch out the light and go to bed. You know, thinking about what others say I think I've figured it out. I get scared when I take my glasses off. I cannot see anything without my glasses, I am always scared that I will lose them or my contacts will fall out at school. I think I dont like taking my glasses off because I am scared that I cannot see anything if anything does happen. I cant get up if they are not on, if I can't see them I make my mum find them. You know, that is it I think... what do others think?
Reply 16
Try taking a bath before sleeping. It will help you relax more so you wont be as tense when going to sleep. :smile:

Have you made yourself ill over not sleeping? For example; not getting enough sleep so you feel exhausted, or made yourself sick with worry?
Reply 17
I thought sleeping was the time of day to look forward to?

Reply 18
Try taking a bath before sleeping. It will help you relax more so you wont be as tense when going to sleep. :smile:

Have you made yourself ill over not sleeping? For example; not getting enough sleep so you feel exhausted, or made yourself sick with worry?

I shall try taking a bath. I am often exhusted even after getting between 8 and 11 hours sleep - I dont know why - I dont think its related though - I'm just always tired! I have not made myself sick yet, there is just the creapy feeling you know, something that is there but cannot be shaken off, its quite oppresive but at the moment bearable
Have an all-nighter... I'll give you company if you want. :smile: