1. Carvone is the main flavouring in Spearmint Oil (Diagram)
a) Draw the structure of the product obtained when carvone reacts with:
i) 2,4 DNPH << Forms 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone, not sure of the organic structure
ii) Bromine << Will eliminate the C=C bonds
b) Explain why carvone does not react with ammonical silver nitrate
This is Tollen's right? I'm guessing if it doesnt react, it must be a ketone as only aldehydes react with Tollen's so I think this is okay << Correct
The rest of that question is about optical activity which is fine so I'll skip to question 2.
2) Beta-ionone occurs in oil of violets and is used as a fragrance. Its structure is: Click here
a) Would this molecule exhibit optical activity? << Nope, there is no chiral carbon
b) Could this molecule exhibit geometric isomerism? << I guess this means like cis/trans isomerism, so yes, as there is C=C bonds with large/small groups on both carbon atoms.
c) Give the structure of the product formed when Beta-ionone reacts with:
i) HBr << Again eleminates c=c bonds, there's lots of different isomers of this however.
ii) 2,4 DNPH << It's an aldehyde, so it goes to 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone again.
iii) NaBH4 in ethanol at room temp << Reducing agent, so =O turns into an -OH and a H gets added to the C accordingly.
Double check some of it. Hope that helps.