I had mine out on my 13th birthday, and i had to stay in hospital for a couple of extra nights because i got infected. I wont lie, it is the most horrible feeling in the world. its fine when u first have them out, coz i think ur doped up, but when u get home, and u have to eat to scrape you throat down, it hurts like hell and u just dont want to swallow. this lasts for a few days, but because of my infection it lasted nearly 2 weeks!! on the plus side, i lost loads of weight!!
i dont get ill more than ppl with their tonsils, i actually get sick a whole lot less then i used to do because i dont constantly get infected tonsils!
its really not that bad, and if u stock up on icecreme and painkillers, its fine. it will be uncomfortable, but it passes quickly, and its worth it in the long run because u dont get tonsilitis every 3 weeks!!