The Student Room Group

Making friends/not going out

Hi, im 20 years old and quit uni last october due to anxiety though for some strange reason I don't regret it and am not bothered, anyway Im currently looking for a job but am planning on applying for a healthcare course for next year, the thing is im worried the exact same thing will happen ie: I will quit because of anxiety.
Im going to somehow try and get the anxiety sorted out before going back (if I get accepted) but at the moment Ive just got an empty year ahead of me, Ive only really got one friend who I hang out with but she won't go clubbing or anything we just go to the corner shop and walk back thats it!! So im stuck with no friends and nothing to do for a year, plus my concerns about anxiety. Theres also this feeling I get every now and again its like a mixture of anxiety and fedupness lol, I can't describe it but it hurts in a non physical way :confused: I just can't imagine it going away.

Anyhow if your still reading has anyone got any advice on how to make new friends? I know I sound really sad for a 20 year old girl but this is how things are.
Join a club or get a job. When you find a job your social life should pick up.
Reply 2
I'm not an expert, but it kind of sounds like you might have problems with depression. You might want to start seeing a professional - a psychologist, therapist, counselor, someone who knows how to help you.

The only other suggestion I have besides that would be to try new things, go new places, meet new people. It might be hard at first, but you need to get yourself back into the world.
Do you have any cousins who are around your age?
You could join a club or orginisation.
I'm 19 and I don't have lots of friends, 1 really, we are quit identical as in personality, I know him for 14 years now. We go out to concerts of our favorite bands sometimes.

I do not really go out to clubs, since on my own, there's no one you know.

I don't really have some advise for you, since I'm in a situation that's kinda similair to yours. I had the problem that I never been a real student, cause I went to a privat school after high school. So to the dutch government I'm not a student. So no student clubs or whatever, and 'students' around you of 30 years in age. I finished my education and I'm now in search of a job in music, since I'm an Audio Engineer now. but hey, the music business, is a man's world, so I would never find myself a gf there. And have 'friends' of 30 or above in age :s-smilie:

So I would suggest you just start going out, cause that's my plan, and maybe I find myself new friends there. Oh and I started playing in a band, which is quite a lot of fun, I met new people there as well, but some are not really my age, like 29. but still, it's fun. So maybe if you play a musical instrument, try finding yourself a band.

Or joint a sports club, or something.

I hope my advise is something worth to you.

Reply 5
does any of your old friends from secondary school live near by. Go see them . join a sports club or just pop into a youth club!!
Reply 6
It's like your post was written by me, except I'm not 20 and I've just left college not uni, because of anxiety. I've applied for college again for september but I can just see the same thing happening, except next time I'll have to stick with it. I made a few friends at college but not many, and all my friends from school are having a really good time and are out every night doing all the things I wish I could be doing. But I don't know where to start. I'm getting a job soon so that might help, but I don't know about the friends thing. I try to keep in touch with people but they never keep it going, I feel like I'm being left behind :frown: I know exactly what you mean about it really hurting, in my experience it's depression, when my depression starts coming back I get that all the time.
Sorry you're going through the same thing, I'm not much help but I'd suggest getting a job and maybe getting counselling or something as well?
Reply 7
I feel similar. I dont seem to have a social life (to worried about uni work). Gets me down cause all my mates go out and play pc games all the time yet all i seem to do is work. You may say just stop working but i think if i do i am gonna fail.
Hope your luck changes soon :smile: