The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Well that was nice of what did you do to get that :rolleyes: :wink:
Reply 2
morrisons are evil anyway you dotn wanna work for them
Reply 3
Well, i didn't want to work there no more because i didn't have enough time for my college work and stuff. But apparently it's because i was absent?

made me laugh though.
Reply 4
Iwould sort it out because you are going to need a reference for you next job. You were absent well that is gross misconduct :biggrin: :wink:
how long do morrisons take to reply back after ur interview?
Lol classic!
Reply 7
its not funny actually because
1. if your fired you dont get paid any holiday pay you had left
2.if you use them as a reference all they will have on there computers is that you were fired !!
Reply 8
you should talk to them! were you supposed to work any hours after you handed your notice in?
Reply 9
I handed in my notice a month ago and said Cheerio. Discussed it with manager and everything.

Well, today i got a letter saying im dismissed for Gross Misconduct. Lmao!

DO GET BACK TO THEM. Thats is gross negligence on the side of company. IDIOTS