The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
If they like chocolate you should get a chocolate fountain set, they are so amazing.
Here is a link:;jsessionid=7D847327935988C2D17E323287B78048?productCode=CHO2FO
Reply 2
wow i would love that, but shes not really a chocolate person but thankyou so much for replying!
Reply 3
How about a really nice piece of jewellery or a watch, with some silly driving things like fluffy dice and keyrings (for her car keys :wink:), as we all know that is the most important thing about being 17!
^^ Yes, I was going to suggest driving lessons!
Reply 5
Instead of the chocolate fountain its worth checking out that website i gave you. They have lots of gift ideas.
Reply 6
lol she already has all that lil lee and angel flo but thankyou for the suggestions :smile: xx
Superstar I will thankyou hun! xx
I thought she's usually the parents that get the lessons!!!

Ok, well what about something personalised? What sort of things does she like?
Reply 8
Shes very into fashion and beauty shes very girly girly she loves her music but she has sooo muchh stuff already its so hard to think of something.
Why not customise a top for her?
Reply 10
Thats a cool idea, but I don't think she would appreciate it lol, shes very into you know high street stuff.
how about tickets to see a band she likes?
Reply 12
oo yeh I like that idea :smile:
Reply 13
Do you have any special talents e.g. do you paint, sing? If so then sing her a song and record it onto CD or paint her a picture for her bedroom wall. I know that i would love a gift which was tasteful and required effort rather then something which was simply bought, with not a lot of thought.
Reply 14
lol unfortunately no, im a girl with no talent like that :P ah this is so hard! Because its her 17th I really want to get her something really special, not just go out and buy any old thing, thats why Im trying to put a lot of thought into it, but its hard!
I say get her a framed vinyl record if she's that into music. She'll treasure it. That.. or a kind of birthday stokcing of nice stuff that she'll like.. thoughtful one
Why not make a photo album/scrapbook for her, with pics in it of her and all her friends (even the baby photos :p:, get them off her parents!), and get all her friends to write a little message in there for her. We did that to one of my friends who loves the little mermaid...we got a little mermaid notebook and stickers and stuck in loads of pictures for her. You can have good fun making it look pretty in all her favourite colours, and it's really unique and special.
Reply 17
lol unfortunately no, im a girl with no talent like that :P ah this is so hard! Because its her 17th I really want to get her something really special, not just go out and buy any old thing, thats why Im trying to put a lot of thought into it, but its hard!

don't get worried now. get worried NEXT year when she turns 18...
Reply 18
zeke stranger - thankyou for the suggestion! I don't think she's the type of person who would actually appreciate it :s-smilie: but thanx!!!

lil_lee we did that for her last year, it was amazing she started crying...!

lazza i knowww ahhh!
you could take her out for a meal, then go shoping with her and buy her something she really wants?