The Student Room Group

Dyspepsia in the army

I used to eat a lot of rubbish when I was a younger student and drink a fair amount and it gave me a dodgy stomach. I went to the doctor and he said I suffered from dyspepsia (heart burn). He advised I change my habbits or go onto pills. I chose the pills being a young student. In recent years I have decided to change my life-style and indeed my stomach heartburn has stopped. I am interested in the army and have my pre-rcb in a few months and have read dyspepsia can disqualify me even though I don't have it any more due to a change of lifestyle. What are my options??

Reply 1
The option to post in the correct forum for a start.
Reply 2
Well, with any medical question regarding the armed forces I would advise you to speak to your local AFCO. However as you say that you've got a pre-rcb in a few months I take it that since you've already been in contact with your AFCO that you've already declared it?

Your problem is that you opted for pills that a doctor prescribed, therefore admitting that you had a medical problems.

What did your AFCO say about it?