The Student Room Group

Stuck In The Middle

Hi peeps, im a 17 bloke who is really confused on what to do. Here's my story.

Right, my mate has been hanging out with this girl from our skool nd has been getting along with her for couple month. However i am attracted to her nd i told him b4 they knew each other tht i liked her. But this didnt stop him going after her. He then asked her out but she rejected him nd jst wants to be friends with him. Meanwhile i have also started 'getting close' to her nd she knows i like her too. Ive told her to her face that i like a lot nd would like to date.

Do you guys think i have betrayed my friend and only thought about myself or am i rite to continue this relationship?
Reply 1
well she obviously didn't want him, so you aren't betraying him... go for it.
Reply 2
first come first serve.


Everyman for himself
Reply 3
Yea thts wot i thought guys. She is obviously more interested in me rather than my mate so i shud be allowed to try it out with her.
Reply 4
thats the spirit. good luck to you.
Ask your mate if hes cool with it, which if hes a good mate probs will be.
Reply 6
Well, he knew you liked her before he'd met her. Therefore surely he betrayed you?

She doesn't like him, yet you still like her. To me, I think you should be fine going out with her. But I would say somethig to your mate about it... assuming he knows you still like her anyways. If he doesn't, and you think you'll be getting with her, tell him, and gauge his reaction.

If he's not going to be happy about it, question whether a girl is worth arguing with / losing a mate over - especially if he's a good one :P
Reply 7
As long as you don't try to cut him out of the social circle you have going; don't try and break off their friendship, you're doing nothing wrong I don't think.
Reply 8
He isnt a really close mate nd i dnt think his reaction would change how i feel for the girl but it might just be nice nd respectful of me to ask
Go for it I guess! As long as you don;t keep it a secret for your mate!