The Student Room Group
Reply 1

im iin my third year at manchester so had my interview 3 years ago, mine was for french and spanish. they do ask you questions in one of the languages you will be studying, i was applying for beginners spanish so they asked me questions in french. i was a bit stressed beforehand cause i didnt have a clue what it would be like, but really it wasnt hard at all, the whole interview was about 15 minutes and the french speaking part was definitely no longer than 5. in french the guy just asked me a couple of questions about what i have studied (literature and stuff), what i like about it and how well i know france. nothing too complex. i cant remember the other stuff he asked me in the english bit, but it was probably along the lines of why i have chosen manchester and the course in particular, my plans for exploring the countries and cultures and so on. i think they just want to see that you are keen on the language/s and have the potential to be a competent and fluent speaker, they arent really testing your level, and if you are predicted an A i shouldnt worry too much about your competency. its not difficult and it goes so quickly, and i think really they are just looking at whether you will make a good dedicated and commited language student.
Reply 2
i didn't turn up to my interview and I still got a place lol. But my mate went to the interview and it was completely general, why did she want to go to manchester etc, why those languages.
Reply 3

im iin my third year at manchester so had my interview 3 years ago, mine was for french and spanish. they do ask you questions in one of the languages you will be studying, i was applying for beginners spanish so they asked me questions in french. i was a bit stressed beforehand cause i didnt have a clue what it would be like, but really it wasnt hard at all, the whole interview was about 15 minutes and the french speaking part was definitely no longer than 5. in french the guy just asked me a couple of questions about what i have studied (literature and stuff), what i like about it and how well i know france. nothing too complex. i cant remember the other stuff he asked me in the english bit, but it was probably along the lines of why i have chosen manchester and the course in particular, my plans for exploring the countries and cultures and so on. i think they just want to see that you are keen on the language/s and have the potential to be a competent and fluent speaker, they arent really testing your level, and if you are predicted an A i shouldnt worry too much about your competency. its not difficult and it goes so quickly, and i think really they are just looking at whether you will make a good dedicated and commited language student.

Cool, thanks for the info! I think I'd better do some proper research about the course then seeing as I just picked it because I had a space to fill on the UCAS thing! lol


i didn't turn up to my interview and I still got a place lol. But my mate went to the interview and it was completely general, why did she want to go to manchester etc, why those languages.

Yeah I had to reject the first interview date they gave me coz it was the same as my Cambridge ones, so I was hoping they wouldn't be able to give me another date and I wouldn't have to bother! Oh well.
Reply 4
Yeah the interview was really easy: mine was for Russian. The interviewer asked ME if i had any questions, so i had to blag that i was really interested in the manchester course for 10 minutes. Luckily her answers were really long! Yeah, i had to speak in russian for about 5 mins at the end too. Seriously tho, if uve survived a cam interview, you will be able to do this on in ure sleep!
i still haven't had ANT news from Manchester!! i'm sooooo worried!
i still haven't had ANY news from Manchester!! i'm sooooo worried!
Reply 7
i didn't turn up to my interview and I still got a place lol. But my mate went to the interview and it was completely general, why did she want to go to manchester etc, why those languages.

I didn't turn up to my interview either (for Russian and Arabic) and I got an offer (BCC - which I think was a standard one).
I doubt it's *too* scary (or even important) a business. Just sound enthusiastic and intelligent!
Reply 8

I applied to Manchester for exactly the same degree as you ...

to be honest i got really worked up over nothing... as there are hardly any italian students you get interviewed by someone from the italian department and the lecturor i spoke to was lovely. She asked me a couple of questions in french that were gcse standard and then that was it! I travelled a really long way to go to that interview and was a bit let down by it but anyway... i got my offer of BBB and it's my first choice so nothing lost!

Hope it goes well x
Reply 9
Yea.....i didnt go to my interview for MML in French and German and got an offer..i think its to sell Manchester to u rather than anything else.
Ne other Frenchies or Germans out there?
Reply 10
My friend went to her Manchester interview for French and German, and said it was really laid-back and nice. The interview was just ten minutes or so in German and she was only asked about having been to Germany. She got her offer really soon afterwards.
Reply 11
Excellent...I've got enough on my plate as it is at the moment without having to stress about this interview. Sounds as if it'll be pretty easy :smile: